Monday, April 30, 2012

Finding Hope Quote

"I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe." Dalai Lama

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Be Yourself Quote

"He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away." Raymond Hull

Great Websites for Cash Back, Deals and Coupons

The Internet is filled with amazing sites and deals. Below is a list of some of my favorite ones that I use regularly.
  • Ebates: This site is really cool. You earn cash back and they give you coupons. Ex. Order an item from Children's Place and you'll get a percentage of your order back in cash. I received my 1st check this week
  • Open Table: If you enjoy going out to dinner as much as I do then this site is great for you. You earn points for every reservation you make. Once you earn enough points cash them in for a gift card to use.
  • Retail Me Not Coupons: I am the queen of coupons when shopping online, so much that my family puts me in charge of placing their orders online since I always find a coupon for them. Retail Me Not always has great coupons for web orders.
Have a website you love to use, then please share with me!!!

Happy Shopping!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Funny Marriage Quotes

I came across these quotes and thought they were hysterical. Everyone could use a good laugh once in a while! Enjoy!

"I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance." Frank Carson

"A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband." Michel de Montaigne

"All men make mistakes, but married men find out about them sooner."Red Skelton

"I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage. They've experienced pain and bought jewelry." Rita Rudner

Children's Laughter Quote

"There is no sweeter sound to fill a home than a child's laughter."

What's For Dessert: Apple Turnovers

These have to be the easiest, yet delicious, apple turnovers you can make.

What you need:

  • 3 apples peeled
  • 1 package crescent rolls
  • cinnamon
  • sugar
Slice apples really thin, coat in cinnamon and sugar. Unroll crescent rolls and fill each triangle with apple mixture. Roll up and bake at 350 until golden brown. If you want to get fancy when cooled mix powdered sugar with apple juice and pour glaze over turnovers.


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earth Day!

Today we all should do a little something to give back to the earth. Plant flowers, recycle, pick up litter in your neighborhood or walk to your local store instead of driving.

The first item I purchased for my house when I bought it was a bird bath. I know it sounds silly but we did a lot of reconstruction so I couldn't put anything in the house yet so I decided to spruce up my back yard. We made a garden, bought a bird bath and planted flowers. My friend who is Pakistan, said that the "Gods" like when we give back to the our Earth. By planting you are creating more oxygen and feeding the bugs, and bird baths help give our birds fresh water.

Every Spring I clean the bird bath and wait to see birds flock to it. One year when I came back from vacation and filled it with fresh water I found birds fighting to get a chance to take a bath.

A GREAT organization to give back is Hike for KaTREEna, you donate to have a tree planted in someone's name or just to donate to have trees planted in New Orleans. Makes a GREAT gift to all you nature lovers.

So it's easy to give back to the Earth! Try something today and reap the pleasures of knowing you are giving back to YOUR EARTH!

"He that plants trees loves others beside himself. "Thomas Fuller

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Happiness Quote

"Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our  grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you." Nathaniel Hawthorne

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

10,000 Hits Thanks to YOU!

My blog reached 10,000 hits this week and I want to say THANK YOU to all my followers and readers. When I started this in July of 2009 I was just looking for a place to vent, share my adventures of life and connect with people who felt the same way as I did.

Today I have over 10,000 hits and views from people ALL over the world...yes thank you to my international fans too! Please continue to visit and email me if you have any suggestions, comments or would like to share your stories on my blog!

Like the phrase "If you build it they will come" I like to say "If I write it they will read it"


Monday, April 16, 2012

Spring Cleaning Your Health

Why not start Spring by cleaning up your health! Ever notice the gym is always super busy after New Year's and as the week pass by it slows down more and more? We all get into this mode that we are going to be healthy for the New Year and then we slowly change our tune and before you know it our gym card is covered in dust.

Well Spring is the PERFECT time to clean up your health. First start off by getting rid of unnecessary snacks in your house. Yesterday I was doing some spring cleaning and decided it was a great time to clean up my pantry filled with unhealthy snacks and to spring clean my health. I filled two big bags of sugary goodies and shipped them to my husband's job. I do not need these type of snacks around my house and honestly whenever my daughter asks for a snack I'll never give her peeps or chocolate cookies. Her snacks consist of fruit, goldfish, pretzels and cheese and crackers.
Spring is a perfect time to create a schedule that works for you. Since it stays light out later plan a walk after dinner, garden on the weekends, stock the fridge with fresh fruit and set a goal to a healthy you! Add a multi vitamin to your diet, crank up the music while you clean your house, take the time to add extra arm exercises while you clean your windows and lounges while you vacuum. Best tip ever is when you go to the store park a little further then you normally do to add a little distance to walk a little more.

Just because the New Year came and went doesn't mean you can't start a healthy lifestyle today!

Competing with Yourself Quote

"When you compete with others you are really trying to fix something you don't like about yourself."

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Love Who You Are Quote

“I don't like myself, I'm crazy about myself” Mae West

Happy Sunday All!

Before the madness starts again tomorrow, take the time to enjoy this Sunny day here in CT.

Happy Sunday!!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy Friday the 13th! Feeling Lucky...

I always thought Friday the 13th was a lucky proved it!

Like every morning I wake up, get my daughter ready for school, make breakfast let the dogs out, get dressed etc...Well today I look down at one of my dogs and notice his mouth is swollen. I have been down this road, actually 3rd time since January, so I am now a pro. I knew immediately he got stung and needed benadryl before the reaction spread along his lymph nodes making it hard for him to breath. As his face is growing in size I break down the tablet and stick in his mouth. 

Thankfully I live around the corner from the animal hospital and as I am driving there I look at him and say buddy you are going to cost me another couple hundred dollars today, good thing I love ya, but then I notice his swelling starts to decrease. My level of panic decreases as I approach the hospital and walk in. 

I speak with the doctor and stress how this is the 3rd time in three months my dogs had a reaction and I don't know what to do.  She turns to me and says "Go home, give him more benedrayl and I will NOT charge you for this visit." WHAT? No Charge. "Really" I said. "Yep" she replied. I thought it was joke.

She takes him in the back and ten minutes later I am taking my dog home, bill-less. Yes, a FREE visit to the animal hospital- I have NEVER heard of such a thing. I thanked her a thousand times and walked out happy.  Of course the minute we get home my pup jumps on my couch and knocks down my daughter's bowl of cheerios and that was when I knew he was back to normal.

So for all of you who say Friday the 13th is BAD LUCK, I say its a myth. Yes, my dog had a minor reaction BUT it could have been worse and the fact that I went home without paying $200 emergency vet bill makes me believe and continue to believe Friday the 13th isn't such a bad day after all!

*Note to all ALWAYS carry and have Bendrayl in your house and purse when you have children and pets. Also note animals CAN NOT have grape flavored since they say it is poison for pets. Always have plain tablets and another GREAT tip: Dispense the amount of Benadryl your pet weighs. So 10 pounds then dispense 10 mg.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Be an Indepedent Woman Quote

“How wrong is it for a woman to expect the man to build the world she wants, rather than to create it herself?” Anaïs Nin

Adjusting to Motherhood by Katie Moore

Becoming a mother is the busiest, happiest time in a woman's life. After labor and delivery begins a whole new adventure full of surprises and rewarding moments that make motherhood worth it all. Here are some tips to help a woman slide easily into her new role of "mom".

Before Bringing Baby Home
After delivery, a mother has a few more medical options to consider before baby can be cleared to go home. Babies need to receive certain immunizations and check-ups to help ensure a healthy transition into the post-womb world. Some mothers may choose additional options that could potentially have an impact on the baby’s future health. Utilizing umbilical cord blood banking is one such option that is planned for well before birth and occurs immediately following delivery. This is when the cord blood is collected and saved for its potential future use in a medical treatment. Another optional choice for male babies is circumcision. After these processes have been attended to and the observation time is over, mom and baby are ready to head home.

Physical and Emotional Changes
After a woman has a baby, she may go through some highs and lows emotionally that she has never experienced. This is normal because her hormones are readjusting to her new non-pregnant body. The sadness a woman feels is known as the "baby blues." If a new mother feels sad or overwhelmed, she can talk to loved ones and, most importantly, her doctor. These key people can help the new mom work through her feelings.
A common physical change is feeling tired from a lack of sleep. Babies will start to develop a sleep schedule after some time and with help from their mother. Until a schedule is formed, a mother should plan to sleep when baby is sleeping so she doesn’t feel poorly.

Supportive Network
A new mom needs a network of supportive friends and family. She should never be afraid to ask for help. The more people a new mom has to turn to for babysitting, advice and camaraderie, the happier and more adjusted she will feel. Moms may find that their social network adjusts a bit after having a baby to include more mothers to lean on for support.
Baby Explorer
Before a mother knows it, her baby will begin to crawl and toddle. This is when babies really begin to explore their environment. It is never too soon for a mother to begin childproofing her house. Mothers will spend less time redirecting their babies away from things that are not safe and spends more time watching her baby learn new skills like reaching, touching and grabbing safely.

Returning to Work
Most new moms return to work after their maternity leave. In the beginning, it is common for a working mom to feel guilty about leaving her baby in the care of another. But gradually, these feelings leave and the new mom experiences purpose, direction and gratification from both motherhood and her job. As long as a mom provides her child with safe, nurturing childcare, there are only positive effects.

With all the changes a mother will experience, having a great support system to surround her and help her through this exciting change will make motherhood a time full of excitement.

This article was written by Katie Moore. Katie is an active writer within the blogging community who discusses maternity, motherhood, prenatal health, childbirth and other topics within this niche. If you have any questions or would like to connect with Katie please contact by visiting her blog, Moore From Katie or her twitter @moorekm26.

Be a Guest Blogger

Hi everyone. Thank for all your continuous support and for following my blog. I would like to invite you and your friends to be a Guest Blogger on my blog. Love to write, want to share recipes, deals, travel tips, or just your adventures of life then send me your story.

I will respond within 48 hours and promise to have your post up within a week.

Happy Writing!!!

Feel Good Song: Chase & Share- Time

This is a great song. This video is disturbing but a lesson to all of us: you do not need to stay in a situation where you are not appreciated. This is YOUR life, you own it, you control it, you need to be happy in it!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Send and Receive Quote

"Send out to the universe what you want and you will receive it. Tell people how you feel and it'll make a difference. Life is too short to waste it on things you do not want. Speak and people will listen. Be true and feel"

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!!!

Happy Easter Everyone!!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Enjoy YOUR Life Quote

"Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another."  Marquis De Condorcet

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Creating Easter Baskets: Get Creative!

I love picking a theme when doing any gift. It makes it easier when looking to buy stuff for someone. This year I did a beach theme for my neice's baskets and it came out really cute. Below are some tips when creating your Easter Basket.


Sports: Buy sport style baskets-the deal store has a ton of them. Fill up with old fashion baseball cards that come with bubble gum, soft balls, little bats, a soccer ball, and buy fun sport shaped eggs-which you can normally find at CVS. Perfect for boys.

Beach: Buy a beach pail and fill it up with sand toys, lotion, a bathing suit, sun glasses and a sun hat.
Add swimmies and it makes the perfect basket. Perfect for a boy or girl.

Girls: Buy a pink or purple basket, fill with hair accessories, dresses, socks, chap sticks, nail polish and pretend makeup, sandals, and play jewelry.

Boys: Buy sport or beach pails, fill with water balloons, little race cars, play doh, and legos.

Be Creative and Have Fun with this! Happy Shopping!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Easter Deals This Week

Below are this week's Easter Deals:
  • Kohl's: Children Easter Dresses on sale this week, save 50% on all dresses until April 7th.
  • Old Navy: Graphic Tees for the family only $5.00. Women dresses only $15-great colors for your Easter gatherings. Toddler girl and boy swim suits just $10
  • Rite Aid: Perfect stuffer for Easter Baskets: Save 25% on Spring/Summer toys and Easter Plush. Easter socks 2 for $5.00. Kids sun glasses and spring hats buy 1 get 1 free
  • Toys R Us:  Pre-filled Easter Baskets buy 1 get 1 50% off. Legos are perfect for any kids baskets and you get 1 get 1 50% off. Old school kid board games just $4.99 (amazing how many kids I know that never played a board game, these are fun to do with the whole family)
Happy Shopping!

Source of Happiness Quote

"Look deep within yourself and you will realize that you are the source to your own happiness."

Monday, April 2, 2012

Great Apps For Easter Lunch

Easter is near and these are the perfect, quick and easy, yet yummy appetizers to please any guest or to bring to any party. Don't cook-no problem. These easy recipes will please everyone!

  • Prosciutto & Melon: All you have to do is wrap prosciutto around sliced melon. Green melon works best but yellow works too. St. Daniele Prosciutto is the best and make sure you ask them to slice it extra thin.
  • Pigs in the blanket: All you need is crescent rolls and cocktail hot dogs-can't find them then slice up regular size hot dogs. Unroll crescent rolls and wrap around hot dogs. Bake according to package.Tip: The grocery store crescent rolls have more butter so it makes these extra tasty vs brand names. Funny how whenever I make these for the kids the adults end up eating them all!
  • Hummus platter: Why bother making your own hummus when there are plenty of brands that do an excellent job. Pour hummus in a bowl and serve with carrots, pretzel chips and sliced red bell peppers-yum!
Cooking doesn't have to be hard. These three recipes are perfect for anyone who is afraid of being in the kitchen but enjoys good food.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Fun and Unique Easter Basket Tips

Easter is a week away and I am sure you are running around in preparation of creating the best Easter Basket for your little one. I love that my little one is old enough now for us to hid her basket and put useful items in her basket. Below are some fun Easter Basket suggestions to please your little one:

  • Gift Certificate- Put a gift certificate in their Easter Basket to their favorite fast food lunch place then tell them you will have a 'lunch date' with them. Every child loves mommy time!
  • Movie Tickets- What kid doesn't enjoy the movies? Movie tickets is a fun thing for them to look forward to do.
  • Veggie Chips: Sensible Solutions has the best Veggie Chips and now you can get them in a snack pack. Perfect to use as a filler
  • Clothes: Kids are not a fan of clothes but clothes make a great liner to baskets. Place an outfit on the bottom of the basket then load up their goodies on top. I am not a fan of the straw grass that ends up all over my house so this is a fun easy, mess free, solution.
  • Scratch Offs: I am not trying to promote gambling but it is a fun thing for your children to do. Get 5 $1 scratch offs and watch your little one light up as they scratch away. Winning a $1 is like an adult winning $50. Aww to be a kid again and to be able to enjoy the simple things in life!

Have fun with creating their baskets and use a little creativity!

Laughter Quote

"Laughter is the key to staying young."

Inner Peace Quote

“Inner peace is the key: if you have inner peace, the external problems do not affect your deep sense of peace and tranquility...without this inner peace, no matter how comfortable your life is materially, you may still be worried, disturbed, or unhappy because of circumstances.”  Dalai Lama XIV