Monday, April 29, 2013

Fun Craft: Make Sand

I love doing arts and crafts with my daughter so the other day I was loving the warm weather and bummed we couldn't go out since my baby doesn't have her 8 week shots yet. Then I thought if we can't go to the beach why not have the beach come to us. So we made sand and with the shells I had in our house from our last vacation to the Hampton and the Cape we decorated the sand.

To add new memories I told my daughter every time we go to the beach this summer we will get to add a shell to our collection.

What you need:

  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 cup used coffee grinds cooled
  • 2 cups hot chocolate powder

Mix all together and pour in a nice vase or pail.  

Have your children feel the sand, the coffee grinds add the texture like real sand. Add real seashells.

 Simple, yet creative!

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