Monday, April 29, 2013

Spring Into Color With Pampers and Enter for a Chance to Win $5000

What would you do with $5000?

Starting on Monday, April 29th, Pampers is kicking off the season of Spring with a celebration of the ways babies color our lives! Check out their "Spring into Color" tab on their Facebook page ( ) for chances to win daily prizes that enhance the colorful and delightful ways in which the wonderment of babies brighten our daily lives - all including Pampers wipes and diapers.

Here's where the $5000 comes into play: each entry will also enter you into the grand prize giveaway, a $5,000 gift card. Be sure to enter before the sweepstakes ends on May 28th.

I know what I would do with $ lots and lots of diapers. Good Luck Readers!

*FTC Disclosure: Coupons are being donated to me by Pampers for my participation in this blogging program. These items were not intended as payment for any favorable opinions.*

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