Sunday, June 2, 2013

Happy National Cancer Survivors Day!!!

Yesterday marked my 2 month being Thyroid Cancer free. This Thursday I start my low iodine diet in prep to my treatment at the end of the month, which I am dreading BUT I am glad to say that the worse is over.
When you hear the word Cancer you think of the worse, you think how this could happen to me, will I be ok, and am I going to die! It is one of the worst things you can go through and hear BUT then you come to terms that you will do what the doctors tell you to do and you will not lose hope, freak out or think the worse until they tell you to. My doctors were amazing and kept saying do not worry about this until we tell you too. Plus they did everything they could to keep me focused on being healthy for my pregnancy. Being pregnant and learning you have cancer was horrible.
No one chooses to have Cancer; still to this day the word makes me cringe. No one chooses to have pain or surgery or fear the unknown. I mean I had no symptoms but a lump in my throat. I felt great; I was in excellent shape for being pregnant and had an amazing pregnancy. Then bam, I got hit with this. I wanted to fall apart I did but as a Mom my goal was to get healthy for my kids, my goal was to survive for them, not only for me. I am new to being cancer free and I still have some obstacles in front of me but the best day was when they took my Thyroid out and I learned it did not spread.

Praise those around you that won against this horrible battle, and everyday be grateful for the healthy body God has given to you. My support system has been amazing and my family has really stepped up to help me whenever I needed and for that I am a survivor because of them too.

Happy National Cancer Survivors Day! May today and everyday you feel a little stronger for the pain you had to bear and overcome!

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