Friday, June 7, 2013

Scars You Can't See

Ever since I had my thyroid removed I noticed people I do not know shift there attitude once we begin to talk, it took me a quick second to realize that it was due to my voice and lead to their eyes on my scar on my neck. Their tone in their voice went from 'yeah can I help you' to 'yes young lady not sure what you are going through but I see the scar on your neck and it looks serious so I am going to be a little more compassionate and sweet to you.'

Don't get me wrong I enjoy a sweeter more compassionate tone, just wish it was not due to my scar. BUT it did get me thinking. We all have scars some you can see others you can not. My question to you is that if you knew what someone was dealing with without seeing it directly would you change the way you handle and react to them?

I say we should all wear a sign. Ex: You and your husband had a fight earlier in day and your crabby still you go to pay for something at the store and the cashier sees a sign on you that said 'need an extra smile since my husband pissed me off' don't you think the cashier would soften up leading you to soften up?
We are reactors to other people's moods and personalities. My mother always told me that she could never be in a bad mood without us kids getting into a bad mood and my father getting into a bad mood. We feed off each other and I even see it with my own children, even my 3 month old was moody the other day after I was moody.

The problem is we do not know why people act the way they do, maybe they are having a bad day, maybe they do not feel well. I mean we put all our gossip and business on Social Media why would a sign be any differed. Why not warn the driver in front of you that your road rage is not out of the blue, it's because your kid pissed you off in the car and if one more person crosses you wrong you may explode. Get my point...

So the solution isn't for all of us to walk around with different signs. The solution is as human beings we should know that if someone seems off, crabby, angry, etc to not make things worse for them. To shoot them an extra smile or hello. I always wanted my scar to go away but if it means getting nicer interactions with people then I hope it sticks around for a little while, but once it's gone doesn't mean what I went through and am going through is gone and over, just means my scar can't be seen.

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