Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Today's Motivation: You Are Unlimited

Today's cup of tea had a great inspiring message! 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Mother's Greatest Masterpiece Quote

"A mothers greatest masterpiece is her

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

How to Survive Motherhood

How do you survive motherhood? Laughter...laughter is key to surviving motherhood because it helps you stay sane!!!

How It Is Suppose To Be

How true is this? We all think our lives are suppose to be a certain way and when it's not we get depressed or down or can't focus on the present. We need to stop thinking the "what ifs" and enjoy the reality of the current life we are facing. 

Enjoy your current situation. And if it isn't what you want it to be then change it!

Monday, September 22, 2014

What Superpower Do You Wish You Had?

I wish I could split myself up! I wish there were "mulitple" me!!!

I wish I could be with my oldest daughter all the time. I love how smart she is. I would love to challenge her with different knowledge.  We have so much fun hanging out, going out and eating. She's a foodie like me and I love it. She's so outgoing and happy. I am happy when I am with her. She loves to play Board games and she's always asking me questions that make me really think before I can answer.

I wish I could be with my second daughter all the time. She's only 18 months and can do so much. She loves to try to put things together. I love sitting and watching her play. The way she moves. The way she takes her time to do things. She also loves farm animals so I wish I could take her to the farm all the time and see her interact with the animals. She loves dogs so I wish I could take her to a pet store to play with the animals. 

I wish I could split myself up to always be able to be with my baby. She's such a sweet loving baby. When I shake the rattle she is so alert and tries to talk to me. You know her soul is trying to reach out. It's amazing at 5 weeks how smart I know she will be. She's so pretty too. She has the best cheeks that I love to kiss up. Her skin is so soft. She is at peace when she's with me. I am her mamma and she already adores me. 

I wish I could be with my husband all the time without the chores and duties of life. He makes me happy. He's smart and funny and yes at times we get on each others nerves but we really enjoy eachothers company. We like to eat, drink, shop and try new things out. We go to fairs and festivals and have a blast like children. I love road trips. We pick up food and I blast the music and sing my heart out. He gets me and at times I think I get him. 

My list goes on....I wish I could give everyone I love my undivided attention. I want them to know that I rather be with them then do anything else. 

What superpower do you wish YOU had?

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Key to a Successful Marriage

The key to successful marriage is...Date Night. 

I know I know, communciation is just as important but come on have you tried having a serious conversation at home, with the kids around? Yeah no! Most the time I keep it in my head to discuss with him for when they kids are in bed and then I end up falling asleep on the couch. 

Date night doesn't have to be expensive or even at night. You can do something during the day for a couple hours. One night we had my mother in law watch the kids while we went to a hall to view thier room to book out daughters baptism and on the way one we popped in a place for a slice of pizza. Another time we got tickets to a brewfest during the day and my mother watched the kids. 

These little "dates" help you two regroup. Luckily for me we have so much family around available to babysit so if you don't then don't do it as often to save money on a sitter or get some fun apps and a bottle of wine. When the kids go to bed enjoy it with one another.

Make time to make things special. Being a parent we get caught up in being "mom" and "dad". Take a time out to be you! You'll be happier and your kids will be happier because you are happier!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Why Having Kids Are Like Getting A Tattoo

Having kids is like getting a tattoo. Once you have one you keep wanting more. You forget the pain you go through and how expensive they are. You may love and also dread the fact you'll have it forever! 

Some don't turn out the way you expected. Some you love to show off to the world. Always make sure to make the decision with a clear sober mind. Some kids and tattoos will alter your image.

Before you get that itch to have one know the facts and that whenever and if  you decide to have or get one it will be a part of you forever!

"Having a baby is like getting a tattoo on your face. You really need to be certain it's what you want before you commit." Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

What's Holding You Back

I have written books & poems, created paintings & art and my husband always asks why I don't publish anything or put things out there to share. I finally knew why...I don't want my work criticized or judged. 

It's not just the negative feedback that people often have a hard time accepting but even compliments. We also feel we could do better, be better and are a little possessive of our "work".  

So I have decided to NOT be this way anymore and decided I will let my free spirit shine through! I know timing isn't  best since I have a newborn but I decided at night I will try to "work" again and will even start painting again. Stay turned... And I WELCOME your criticism as I share it with all of you!

What has been holding YOU back?

"When you put yourself out there you must be prepared to receive criticism as well praise!" JCF

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Remembering 9-11

Today's a day to remember how grateful we all should be to be here. We fly all the time. We go to work. We kiss our families goodbye without a thought that we would  be victims of acts of terror attacks. Those people did not deserve to die! Hopefully one day we all could live in a world of peace and no fear! Never forget! 9/11 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Monday, September 8, 2014

Mommy with Her Three Little Girls

There isn't a moment that goes by that I don't look at them and think how truly blessed I am! I wish I could live forever just so they will never be without me and so I never miss a moment being with them!

The Reason Men Are The Way They Are

I have been with my husband for a long time, long enough to have learned how most men function, how they think and their truth behind their actions. Although men and women are different in so many ways they are also similar in many ways! I have learned men who have little respect for women or lack commitment or are scared of commitment or settling down have had a woman in their life that once broke their heart.

Think about the "womanizers" you know. Sometimes these women set back to their teenager years. Sometimes it is not just a girlfriend who did the damage but the lack of love from a mother. 

See men need love as much as women. Men need stability too! So if there's a man in your life lacking commitment look for the source that damaged him and I am sure it will lead to the opposite sex! And lesson learned for the women out there the damage you cause to a man, even though he may act like he is ok, will stick with him and influence his future relationships so chose what you do wisey. Your actions can and will effect him!

"Behind every damaged man is a woman who once broke his heart!" JCF

Friday, September 5, 2014

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Not Perfect But a Good Mom Quote

"There's no way to be a perfect mother, and a millions ways to be a good one!" Jill Churchill

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Let Go Of Your Anger

I turned 30 a point in your life where you should be happy in your skin and content with life. I wasn't. I went through a rough couple years in my early 30's. I only had my oldest daughter and trouble getting pregnant, my husband and I fought a lot, I hated working from home and always wanted to be out, I partied more then I should have, I smoked, I ran a lot- it helped release stress. It should have been the best years of what was yet to be and it wasn't. Thankfully it got better but I had a lot of anger in me. Not so much anger as in rage but anger in trying to figure out what I wanted in life and where I was going and who I was and what made me happy. I was sick of doctors and being poked at for trying to get pregnant, my husband wasn't happy where he was in his career, he was angry too and crabby which would make me crabby.

I needed some soul searching! 

The first step in making your life better is owning and admitting the fact you need to make it better. I wanted my relationship with my husband to be better, I wanted to be that care free soul again, I wanted more children and I was happy with working from home as long as I knew I was having more children to care for. I didn't want to party anymore or be unhappy or fight or not know what I wanted. 

I let go of all of that, woke up and said I want another Baby and a good happy marriage and worked on it and it happened. 

It was not easy but it was better. My house and marriage was my bubble. It was my escape from the outside "noise" and drama and when that bubble gets interrupted or effected and was no longer my escape it was hard to find comfort and happiness. 

Find your happy place. When we are unhappy it means we are lacking something in our life. Figure it out and then work towards making things better. Let go of any anger and what ifs and unhappiness. Own up to what is making you angry or unhappy. 

Those years took years off my life. It was awful to have felt that way. Now the peace I have has given me a new life and outlook on things and who knew two more babies later, and dealing with thyroid cancer I would be back to feeling good about life like I did in my 20's. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month- What's YOUR Story?

I had symptoms, symptoms that were pretty common and associated with random things but never did I think it would be Thyroid Cancer! Increased hair lose, a lump in my throat that I never followed up on, PCOS, hard time getting pregnant, insulin resistance, my medical list went on but for some reason it never occurred to anyone it could be my thyroid causing everything. 

I failed my 1 hr glucose pregnancy test while pregnant with my 2nd daughter. My OB insisted I see a specialist. Specialist felt a lump, I had thyroid cancer. 4 nodules full of Papillary Thyroid Cancer.  My saving Grace was it didn't spread! My daughter she saved my life!

After getting my whole thyroid removed, RAI treatment and monitoring of my levels I got pregnant.  Today I am here with my family alive and well and grateful. So grateful. I have been Cancer free for 16 months. I am so lucky. My scar is not noticeable, my voice is back to normal. My hair loss stopped.  I met an amazing friend who also has thyroid issues that gets what I am going through. I have a huge support system. I have three amazing daughters that I wake up everyday and thank god for. 

I survived Thyroid Cancer! I am grateful for my amazing doctors! Dr Randolph in Norwalk and Dr. Carlin in Yale. My OB Dr. Kerr saved my life, she insists my daughter did all the work but she pushed me to see someone, so to her I am forever grateful. Listen to YOUR Body! Make sure you have good doctors. Never ignore what could be happening to you.  

Share YOUR story with me!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Black Bean Salad

So one day I noticed we had beans and didn't know what to do with it so I created this awesome, refreshing cold black bean salad. I have had similar recipes at restaurants. Sorry if measurement isn't accurate but these are the basic steps and ingredients. 

1big can Goya black beans
2 tablespoons Olive oil
2 tablespoons white vinegar
1 cup corn
1/2 cup chopped onions
1/2 cup chopped carrots
1/2 cup chopped celery
2 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper

Drain beans and mix with rest of ingredients. I cut corn off cob. Add more vinegar, salt and pepper based on preference. Serves 4 people as a side dish. If making for a picnic double recipe. 

Chill over night.