Monday, October 27, 2014

Sunday, October 26, 2014

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

When I was 14 my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was one of the hardests things I had to deal with. Being14 you already have emotional things happening then to think your mom may die totally made my teenage years rough. Thankfully she beat it and has been cancer free for 20 years. 

Don't be a fool get your mammograms. Don't be embarrassed if you feel something! Do your breast self exams. See a doctor yearly.  You too can beat 
breast cancer if caught early enough!

October is breast cancer awareness month be sure to book your mammogram!

*Image from The Breast Cancer Site 

Friday, October 24, 2014

See The Big Picture Quote

"Don't isolate in one area of your life and say. "Well my whole life is runied." That's just part of your life. See the big picture." Joel Osteen Ministries

Motherhood My Reasons For Being Here

They melt my heart and bush my buttons. Some nights I am so tired that resting even hurts. Just when I don't think I have enough patients they make me laugh. They make me love who I am for creating such amazing little people  When I am with them I can't help to think "What a wonderful life I have!"

Being a parent can be bitter sweet. But when they are all with me like below I am amazed how they are a part of me. I want to hold them and keep them happy and small forever. They are the reason I am here.

Have a Little Patience

She didn't know I had an emergency for work or that I was up all night and short tempered. My daughter just wanted my attention and she wanted it now. I had to take a second to regroup. Deep breaths and say to her to give me a second I was handling an important matter. 

This happens all the time. As a parent we deal with "important issues" while our children think their needs are just as or even more important than what we are doing. We need to take deep breathes and have more patience. 

I remember being in kindergarten and crying hysterical over my "boyfriend" not wanting to play with me. Can you imagine what my mom must have thought. She had three children and a day care. She was making dinner and I threw a tantrum at the kitchen table. 

Silly I know. But we need to put ourselves in that 5 yr old place to fully understand and comprehend what they are feeling. Yes at 5 yrs old that would be the end of the world at 34 we laugh about it. 

Take the time and talk to your child. Don't dismiss their emotions. Explain that you may be short tempered or have to fix a mistake at work and then can help them. I promise once you do they will back off- maybe for 5 mins but at least it is something. And always put yourself in their shoes. 

There's a lot I learned these past couple of years. Always put yourself in other peoples shoes before you react and work on having more patience. What is silly to one person means the world to another. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What You Can Give & Keep Quote

"Among the things you can give and still keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart." Zig Ziglar

Happily Ever After Quote

"It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day to day basis." Margaret Bonnano

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Live For Today

"No regrets, no what ifs, live for today! Be where you want to be, love who you what to love. This is your chance to finally be happy. So be happy!" 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Healthy After School Snacks

I am a protein pusher-big time. My daughter loves carbs. She can eat pasta all day everyday. She also loves fruit. She's very picky with veggies but what I find myself pushing the most is...protein.

Whether it's adding a yougurt or smoothie to her breakfast or sneaking in a meatball or string cheese in her lunch box. I constantly find myself adding protein to every meal.  

After school I noticed she is so hungry that she will really eat anything. So of course I do-at times give her something sweet- most of the time I push chicken nuggets or a meat, with fruit and a fun carb. 

What do YOU focus on when providing snacks?

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Casting Call: Do You Have A TV Worthy Recipe?

It's almost that time of day.. Dinner time! Do you cook with or without your kids? Is there a family recipe you hold near and dear to you? 

The CHEW is looking for families in the NJ/ NY/CT area who have a winning recipe to be on the show. Check it out:

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

How Is Your House So Clean- Do Children Live Here

First situation:We got invited over for dinner. I knew they only had his step daughter living there with them.  She was probably 6 at the time. There was NO sign of her toys anywhere. Strange I thought. 

Second Situation: I walked in and they decided to turn their playroom into a sitting room. What is going on I thought? Where will they roam and play. 

These are two examples of houses I have been to that lack signs of children's stuff. Jealous. Umm a little! I mean I love my children more than anything but they take over my WHOLE house. 

Situation one. The little girl kept everything in her bedroom. I mean all her toys. The rest was what a house was suppose to look like without you tripping over toys. Or Legos mixed in with the tv remote. 

Situation two. The kids were getting older and hung out in their room more. 

I gave my kids a playroom so they wouldn't leave their stuff everywhere and guess what... it still is!

Whose to blame... ME of course