Sunday, November 30, 2014

It's the Holiday Season

Cheers to a Happy & Healthy Holiday!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Qdoba Mexican Grill in Norwalk Plus Giveaway

I had the pleasure getting to taste a delicious assortment of Mexican food on behalf of Qdoba Mexican Grill in Norwalk. It was perfect timing to be selected for them to cater a party because we decided months ago to do a Mexican theme for my daughters 6th birthday this weekend. After Thanksgiving no one wants turkey or ham again so we wanted to mix it up. This time we got to have an awesome party with limited work and amazing Mexican food.

We had the nacho bar and it was awesome. We enjoyed fresh tortilla chips with all the salsas and guacamole and fixings. Their chips are thinner than your normal nacho chip and have a hint of lime with an awesome crunch for each bite.  They are perfect to top off with the huge tray of chicken and beef. We also got a tray of queso that has a tint of heat in the cheese and a tray of black beans. I can't forget about the tray of lime white rice- my favorite. I topped half of the rice with their fresh cilantro and guests even got warm tortillas to make wraps. It was a GREAT Mexican feast! Everyone left full and happy. 

Qdoba manager came, set up our taco bar and even brought burners to keep everything warm. They gave me vouchers to hand out in their favors so ALL my guests could visit their restaurant and enjoy a free entree. AWESOME is right and NOW you too can win a chance of getting a gift cards for free so you too can visit an Qdoba in your area. 

GIVEAWAY in Norwalk

Enter a chance to win a free gift cards for meals at Qdoba Mexican Grill In Your area.  Please share in the comments section YOUR favorite Mexican dish and if you really want to list the recipe too. A winner will be picked by December 8th. 

Good Luck!!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

When I think of Thanksgiving I picture a time to gather for a meal prepared by the ones you love and give thanks for what you have. Well my morning DID not start that way.

My second one did not want to nap. I finally put her down and after my daughter decided to be on speaker phone with a call she woke up.

Then I attempted to let the children get dressed because that at times calmed them. Well big mistake letting my second one be without a diaper while I ran into the other room and looked for wipes. 

By this time I am fuming. My husband turns to me and says "maybe you should go for a drive" Instead I say next life no kids for me and pack the diaper bag. 

Guilt took over me and at that moment they are all calm. They look adorable in their dresses. And are getting along. I knew at that moment that yes the chaos sucks and makes you want to hid in a corner and cry but then it stops and you remember the joys of being a parent.

I always sing in my head "no body said it was easy" as a way to calm myself. 

Shockingly they were great the remaineder of the day.

Parent hood is rough but then it's wonderful. Rewarding. Beautiful. Fun. 

I am thankful! At times it's too much for me but then it all seems to get better. 

I realized my life is real. It's no fairy tales. It's what you see is what you get. It's good times and bad times. And fights and screaming and laughs and kisses. It's real. And I wouldn't change that for anything. 

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Monday, November 24, 2014

Thanksgiving Joke

Why did the stuffing hide behind the Turkey? It was dressing!


"Friends"giving: a time to gather for a traditional Thanksgiving meal with those who are not family but feel like family! Grateful for this bunch!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Thyroid Cancer Follow Up

This week I received the news on how my follow up will be. See being pregnant didn't allow me to have proper follow up from my treatment for Thyroid Cancer. I now have to be off my medicine for a month. Do the low iodine diet for two weeks and then have an injection and body scan to see if any thyroid tissue grew or if any cancer is still left in my body. How do I feel?! Not so happy!

When I am off my medicine my whole body changes. As my doctor calls it I will be "torturing my body." I will become in "hypo" state. Tired, achy, weight gain, dry skin, weak, brain fog, delayed reaction and moody. All the fun things I dread. 

To prevent weight gain I started doing gluten free. I will do it until I have to switch to the low iodine diet. The problem with the low iodine diet is that everything I did in preparation to my treatment reminds me of being nauseous and sick. You know when you eat something and get sick you can never want to eat it again? Well that's me now. Anything I reference to the low iodine I feel quesy. It's awful. 

The whole point is if there is anything supicious I will have to have a repeat RAI treatment. 

So please don't be alarmed if my tone changes in my posts for the next month. My levels won't be normal so I won't be normal. 

Whoever said Thyroid Cancer was easy never had to deal with Thyroid Cancer. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Build Memories Clean Later

"Sit sit" my little one shouts as she drags her bag of blocks across the room. So I put the broom down and sit. I watch as she builds with her blocks. Thinking "will I ever get to clean this house?!"  

It's my day off and I want to clean but can't. The two younger ones want my constant attention. I finally put both little ones down for a nap and get ready to mop but all of a sudden I hear "mommy" and the baby is crying. 

So I mop really quick and tend to them. 

This is my life... A messy house and children who want my constant attention. Will we always have to clean? Yes. Will our children always be little? No 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Best Pumpkin Pie Recipe

This is the best and easiest recipe for a Pumpkin Pie. I got it off a can of Stop & Shop pumpkin purée.

What you need for 1 Pie:
1 pie crust- I get already made in freezer section
1 can of pumpkin (15 oz) -Libby is great or Stop & Shop brand
2 eggs
1/2 cup sugar- I go a little over 1/2
1 tsp cinnamon - I love cinnamon so always add a little more or at least 2 tsp 
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp nutmeg
3/4 cup light cream or milk- I use organic whole milk

Preheat oven 350 degrees. Beat eggs in a bowl with a fork. I then add the sugar and spices. Beat all together. Add pumpkin. Mix well then slowly add milk. Pour in a pie crust. I always put pie crust on a baking sheet incase it over flows. I always put extra mix in smaller dishes for the kids to eat. Bake for 50 mins or until crust is golden brown. Serve with ice cream or whip cream or both!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Why I Love Fall

The crisp air
Light sweaters
Firepits and s'mores
Pumpkin picking
Apple cider
Corn mazes
The foliage 
Cozy clothes
Holiday shopping

Are all the best things that come out during Fall!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Thanks To All Who Served & Serve

Happy Veteran's Day to all the heros who have protected and continue to protect us. I thank you today and always!


My Baby's Day

This past weekend was my little one's baptism. Never did I think a year ago I would be throwing another baptism for my 3rd daughter. This baby is so sweet and calm and good for my soul. Whenever I hold her I get this wave of peace over me. She's truly a blessing and we had an amazing day with so many people we love and who love us. We are truly blessed!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Being Happy Quote

Being happy depends on your own actions and wishes.  If you what to be happy don't expect someone else to create that happiness for you, create it for yourself !