Monday, January 26, 2015

Treat People The Way You Want To Be Treated

It's a simple rule yet easily forgotten. People need to treat people the way they want to be treated because it's true that people tend to remember the bad in a situation vs the good.  Maybe if adults practiced treating people the way they would want to be treated there would be better role models for children and less selfish people in the world.

Remember history repeats itself. If your children see you doing something then you are teaching them to behave the same way.

People fail to remember that when you hurt the people who help you most you are only making yourself look bad. Think before you react. Life is short. Things change. People aren't around forever. Never down play that they are important for your selfish desires.

 Today's world really needs to stop being selfish and rude and show a little more compassion and love!

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