Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Unique Baby Shower Gift

Baby showers are cute and sometimes super boring. I will admit it. Mine kindof was. We ate, chatted and said a lot of "ohhs and awes". I loved my shower cause it was mine. Well now my sister is having a baby and always being the pain in the ass prankster baby sister I am I decided that me and my other sister should get her a unique fun gift. Besides her normal big gift we are making a "Gift bag to help you get through the "shitty" parts of parenting".

It goes something like this "the journey of parenthood can be a real treat and joy but we all know that their are some lows. Here's some treats to help you deal with the shitty times" 

*Rectal thermometer
*Butt paste
*Breast pads
*nipple cream
*dirty diaper bags
*voucher for a girls night out

See all helpful and useful things to help the "mom to be" handle the shitty parts of being a parent!

What would you add to the list?

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