Saturday, October 31, 2015

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Focus on Today

They say depression is from focusing on your past and Anxiety is from worrying about tomorrow. So why not let go of your past and stop worrying about tomorrow and enjoy your current life? 

You can't change your past and you can't keep worrying about your future but you can focus on today.  

Be Happy!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Kid Halloween Events Halloween Weekend in CT

Discovery Museum & Planetarium Oct 31st 10-5  

Learn More Here:

My Three Sons in Norwalk 

Learn More Here:

Foliage in Connecticut

The foliage this year is amazing. I am absolutely blown away as I am driving around how beautiful it is. My best friend lives in Florida and I have been sending her pictures and it's amazing how we take little things like the beauty of Fall for granted. I know Fall leads to Winter. But there's beauty in Winter too. Below are some pictures of the amazing trees and leaves in full color bloom. Send in some of your favorite foliage images to   

Monday, October 26, 2015

Note To Self...

This is a reminder for all of us.  Love this!

Frightful Easy To Make Treats For Any Halloween Party

The count down to Halloween has begun. Below are some yummy, spooktacular treats I found that are great for any Halloween party.

Source: facebook

Source: Instagram account Foodydiy

Source: Pinterest 

Friday, October 23, 2015

Trick or Treating at Stew Leonard's in Norwalk CT

Every year I take the kids here for their Easter egg hunt. This was the first year I took them trick or treating there. My girls were a vampire, raggedy ann and superwoman.  It was so much fun.

The event was 5:00-6:00 and by the time we arrived the line was wrapped around the parking lot. Next year we will have to arrive a little earlier but once it started the line moved fast and it was very organized. They had five stations set up with two different characters handing out goodies. They handed out juice boxes and gold fish and of course candy. Was a really nice experience and it was free.

Lyman Orchards in CT Guide To Apple Picking

There's still time for Apple picking and every year I also look for a guide for the best apples to bake with, eat and pick. Who knew there were so many different types. Check out this awesome guide by Lyman Orchard. 

Check them out at

Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream

I am a "pumpkin everything" kind of girl. Another great find on Instagram. Recipe for Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream.

If you don't feel like making it head down to Stew Leonard's. Their soft serve Pumpkin Pie ice cream is very good!

Connecticut Upcoming Halloween Kid Events

There's still time for some spooktacular Halloween fun! Check out these upcoming Children Halloween Events:

Halloween Fun Fact: Why It's Called Candy Corn

I saw this and never knew this fact,it's pretty cool. How many of you knew this fun fact?

Candy Corn Fact: It's called candy corn because when you stack it up it looks like corn. 


Monday, October 19, 2015

Peppers and Eggs Recipe

The frost was coming and nights have been getting colder so we picked the last batch of our garden green peppers and tonight I made Peppers and Eggs with it.

This recipe is simple and delicious. I love it with toast or toasted Italian bread. If you want to be creative you can add a slice of provolone to it too. 

What You Need:

6 green sweet long Italian peppers 
5 eggs
Olive Oil

Add oil to frying pan. Sauté chopped green peppers. In bowl mix 3 whole eggs with two whites. Once peppers almost cooked add egg mixture to center. Cook and cover for two minutes. Mix all together. Add salt per your liking. 

Serve for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Tattooed Pumpkins By Clinton Kelly

I saw this on Clinton Kelly's Instagram account and thought it was so clever. Not messy and super easy to do. Check it out:

Sunday, October 18, 2015

October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast cancer is a sensitive subject in my family. My grandmother passed away from it. My mother won her battle in her mid 30's from having it and my god mother had to battle it twice. Having the BRAC 2 gene myself and religiously having my mammograms and ultrasound I strongly urge all women to make sure to  do self exams and book a mammogram. 

Early detection increases survival rates!

I am a strong believer in giving back and just saw a great ad from Ford. "Each year Ford Warriors in Pink creates original wear and gear that you can feel doubly good about buying. It’s not just great to own and give, but 100% of the net proceeds support the cause." Learn more here and help support these cause. 

Halloween Movies

For all the Halloween spooky movie lovers. Check out this list of Halloween Movies to watch. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Half Way There...

It's been 2 1/2 years since I had my thyroid out. I had an ultrasound yesterday and really should have rescheduled since my sinuses are acting up. They saw something suspicious on my scan and although I think it's due to not feeling well I am following up with my doctor to be safe. 

I went to Hammers Imaging in New Haven, CT. They are the best. I have had biopsies before and scans and this is by far the best place I have ever been. So when he said he was not completely alarmed by my scan since my levels are good, I trusted him. He also said that 5 years Cancer free would mean I am cured of Thyroid Cancer. I would still need follow ups but the chance of reoccurrence slims down completely. Also since the Cancer did not spread to my lymph nodes and I had treatment chances look good that I could like a long healthy life. So cheers to my half way mark. Another 2 1/2 years praying to be Cancer free and then maybe I can put this all past me. 

Sometimes these are little reminders to live your life to the fullest. Be happy. Be with those who bring you happiness. Love life. 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Dear Moms... A Reminder

Some days aren't easy! My daughter the other day said "Mom you need a break I know at times it gets too much" I almost felt guilty she could feel my frustrations. It is hard balancing life and at the same time making sure your children are always happy. We as parents shape our kids to be who they are.

I may not always get it right but I truly am trying my best to give them the best of me. They still don't know about my Cancer or my struggles or when their father and I have arguments. I always say we are good we are just having a discussion. When I have doctor appointments I say it's just a check up. 

My job is to protect them from things they don't need to handle at this point in their life. 

My goal is to build happy memories with them even when some days are too tough. My goal is to have them enjoy the simple and big things in life. I always say to them I just want you happy. When you are happy I am happy. 

Spooky Halloween Treats

I love Halloween. There's something about dressing up and being creative that makes it so much fun. Below are some Halloween treats I saw on Facebook that are easy and fun to do.

This is perfect for me. I am that Mom who says let's decorate the cake and it turns into a bit of a mess. I saw this on Facebook and it's simple and easy yet spookylicious. 

Another easy fun treat that I saw on Facebook that is easy to make.  

I love easy, fun arts and crafts to do with the kids and this is something we all have in the house that doesn't require going out to buy more supplies. The only problem with is project is my second daughter always thinks once the paint is out it's ok to paint her hands- which I tend to do their handprints a lot. 

What Halloween treats and crafts are your favorite to do?

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Family Time

I love food and to cook and love having my girls in the kitchen with me. It's so important to sit down as a family and eat together. I grew up in a strict Italian family where we never ate infront of the TV.  We always bonded over food and so I love that I am passing that tradition down to my children. It's really the only time we are all together in one room and enjoying each other's company. I also must admit I love that she thinks I am a "very good cook."

Do you and your families and friends sit and eat together?

Feel Good Song: Sideways by Citizen Cope

I recently went to a wedding and this was their wedding song. Never heard it before then, very sweet.