Saturday, February 21, 2015

Why Networking is Important

There's never enough time in the day to accomplish what we need and want to accomplish. A lot of times we make plans and later wish we could stay in. Take my advice and GO OUT!

Here's why: Everytime you meet someone new or spend time with someone who has been in your life forever you learn something new and you grow as a person. 

Think about it! We all have knowledge to share with eachother. We all have different lives, go through different experiences. Know someone who can connect with someone else. Know someone who can help someone else. 

I like to believe I am a well rounded person with different groups of friends and people I associate with. I LOVE giving my opinion and share my life experiences and help others. 

Well I knew a friend looking for a job and when a company I used to work for asked for me to come back I said I couldn't but I know someone who may fit the job well. She went in for an interview and said it went well. 

I am a huge fan of the Jamberry Nails. My friend is now a consultant. I got invited to a Stella and Dot party and because I promote Jamberry so much on Social media because I am addicted my friend hosting the party asked me to bring my friend as well so she could sell Jamberry there. 

A new family moved into town and at a school meeting I was talking to the mother. A couple weeks later she reached out to me and asked for recommendations to daycares. I invited her to join some mommy sites so she could be familiar with things in the area for child services and activities. 

NETWORK! Granted I helped those people but other people have helped and continue to help and teach me. We are all teachers and learners. When was the last time you networked and helped or had someone help you?

It's Ok To Talk About It

 Growing up I had this impression that if someone went to therapy they had a rough life or hit rock bottom! Now a days you can talk to someone just for some guidance. 

Therapy is a way to release what's bothering you and teaches you how to handle the way you feel. I have gone to therapy before, family members have gone to therapy, friends have gone to therapy. There's nothing wrong with seeing someone to help you deal with a situation in your life. 

Couples therapy is great. It is great because the therapist hears what you and your spouse are complaining about and teachers you how to COMMUNICATE! 

Communication is the key to a successful marriage and life. You need to be able to communicate without it turning into a fight. 

Life isn't easy and we are constantly being tested. No one expects people to deal with issues and rough times on their own. I loved speaking to a therapist because once I heard my issues out loud it was easy for me to find a solution to them. 

If you need a therapist or someone to talk to them best place to start is asking your insurance company to recommend one in network. It's amazing how good you feel once you do it!