Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Change Your Thinking

It was one of those days when the dryer wasn't working right and the dishwasher was making a funny noise. At one point the fridge light blew and I didn't hear it running. Great I thought what else is going to break. Then remembered the healing code. A book my sister gave to me and I meditated. 

My night ended at a school event. It was nice to have a break from cooking and mingle with the parents. The last raffle was a free hotel room. My daughter started to cry that she had not won anything. I turned to her and said look at it like this you got to hang with your friends and enjoy some nice pasta. And then the raffle number was called. It was our ticket. The last ticket we checked. We won the free hotel room for a night. 

Now was it luck. Maybe but it also had to do with changing how we think. See every situation has a plus and minus to it. Every day has good and bad in it. But when you change the way you think positive things happen. 

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