Wednesday, February 10, 2016

What It's Really Like To Do A Craft With A Toddler

Truth be told I am addicted to doing crafts and baking with my kids. I feel it's a time I truly focus on them and it's great bonding! 

Someone once told me that the hardest thing for a parent is to let go of control and have your kids do something without us expecting them to do it the way we want them to do it. That's a lot harder then one would think. When it comes to crafts I cringe at times but try my best for them to do it on their own. THEIR way. 

Well Wednesdays are my day off and this morning I decided to make more Minion Valentine's with my soon to be three year old. She's pretty independent and likes my help to a point but really attempts to do everything on her own. Needless to say there was a lot of " oh no, ugh, mamma help, oh nice" coming out of her mouth. This is her craft:

When she wasn't looking I fixed them all. 

What can I say...I am not ready to fully let go of control!

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