Tuesday, May 31, 2016

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge

Warm weather means healthy eating. Not sure why it always takes me this long to get motivated to get back into shape but guess better later than never.

Today a group of mommy friends and I started our 90 day weight loss challenge. Schools out means getting into shape and with three months to do it I am excited to see who actually meets their goals. 

My goal is to drop a good 15 lbs in 90 days. If I can do more then awesome. I needed a group to motivate me. So with that being said I will be posting some healthy tips that are helping me through this journey. Please feel free to send me messages of tips you would like to share and if you want to join me in this 90 day challenge contact me at mommyct2009@yahoo.com

Cheers to healthy living and hot bodies!

Be Happy It's Good For Your Health

The stress of life will harm you if you let it. Be happy, even through life's downfalls. 

Sunday, May 29, 2016

King of Harts Clothing Line By Melissa Joan Hart

It was pretty awesome to meet Melissa Joan Hart last week at Kidville. Her line King of Harts is so cute and we picked up the shirt below for the girls from her Queen of Harts girls line for the tomboys in every home. Because every little girl should be able to wear tutus and tees at the same time. Check out her line of clothing http://kingofharts.com

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Red Nose Day To End Poverty

Stop by Walgreens and pick up a red nose to support Red Nose Day!!

Crockpot Humor

I saw this on Instagram and couldn't help but share the laugh. I love my crockpot but know a ton of people who would love it even more if they discovered a way to make wine.

Red White and Blue Cake Recipe

I saw this recipe and knew right away what I will be making this weekend for a BBQ I will be attending. The recipe is pretty simple. I will be adding food coloring to each layer instead of using red velvet cake and white chocolate. Check out this recipe posted by Delish.

Photo from Delish.com

Beach Stickers Norwalk CT

It's that time of year...beach, sun, bbqs. Don't be stuck without a beach sticker. Print yours at the Park and Recreation website: http://www.norwalkct.org/index.aspx?NID=1311

Will I Ever Sleep Past 6:00 am Again?

The struggles with having little ones. 

Sometimes It's Not About You

We have this impression that when someone is rude to us or upset to take it personal. I know hard not too. Recently a lot of people I know are having marriage problems. Health issues, job loss, stress of kids and money have been taking a toll on these relationships. It's like whoever I sit and talk with has the same issues going on.

Sometimes these people come off angry and rude and sometimes all they need is a hug. I have learned to stop taking things  personal and to teach people that sometimes when someone is rude it's not about you it's about them. 

see it a lot with my daughter. "mom she was so rude to me today or mom he didn't what to play with ME " and the next day they are friends again  well I respond maybe they are having a rough day or dealing with something you don't know about, maybe it doesn't have to do with you. 

Think about times someone snapped at you over something simple and later apologized saying they had a rough day or they were upset over something else. Sometimes when someone is upset they don't need a solution they need a hug. Try not to make it about YOU all the time. 

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Key To A Good Party: Cookies Lots Of Cookies

This past weekend was my daughter's 1st communion. I made four types of dessert, had a family member make her delicious cake and asked other family members if they could bake. We ended up having19 trays of homemade cookies and baked goods! 19, crazy I know especially since we had 60 guests. It was amazing and added such a personal touch. Who cares how the food was, when there are endless amounts of desserts everyone leaves the party happy! Success I must say!

The Test..The Journey Of Life

What would you say if someone came to you and said you are going to put through a test, this test will be hard. It will challenge you. It may make you face some fears and doubts but I promise after you will come out of it stronger, wiser and better. Would you take it?

Unfortunately this is life! The test is really your journey through life. Things will test you. Situations will test you. You can fall apart or you can pull it together and come out of it stronger and better. As you are going through the test you have doubts. You think back on why you are being taught this lesson. You feel a little helpless and insecure but then something magically happens. You decide to not let it beat you down. You decide to take the lessons and gear towards good. You appreciate the small things to look past the bad. You then come out strong. Over night things change. Life becomes better. You become stronger. You faced some fears and it challenged you and you come out bigger and better. 

My friends this is the journey of life. Tests happen all the time. Mostly unexpected like a pop quiz. I once mediated and a voice said this is a test and you are failing this test. It was a wake up call to pull it together. To get the gloomy dark cloud out from over me. 

Push it away! Face the tests. Face life with gratitude and be happy. Spread happiness. Encourage others. Look at the good in every situation. I know sometimes it's hard. So be mad or angry or hurt and then push that all aside and say thank you for this lesson I won't let it get the best of me! 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

It's Finally Flip Flop Weather In CT

Some people are obsessed with purses,some shoes...I am 100% a flip flop girl. 

Spring is finally here and what better way to celebrate by bringing my oldest to get her first pedicure. We went to the salon with intentions to get manicures but with the warm weather I asked if she would like to get a pedicure. She was a little nervous at first saying "Mom it's my first time I am a little scared." After she asked if we could go every week. 

She kept looking at neon greens and I wanted it to be her choice but when I brought out "Jackie O" she was all for it. 

It's the little things that make me happy and help release stress. Take some time to do something to pamper yourself and get out and enjoy the sunshine that has finally arrived in Connecticut!

Cheers to Sunshine and Happy Toes!

Happy Mother's Day: Take Off Your Cape

Happy Mother's Day. Take off your cape and let others do for YOU. It's hard I know but we deserve it! Enjoy your day!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

How To Make Toothpaste For Dogs

My dogs have been stinky lately and I saw this recipe on Facebook. You can add other things to it but I just used these two ingredients, mixed and applied some to gauge and wiped down their teeth. It really helped with their bad breath. I do it every two days.

Life Begins...

I am a creature of habit and comfort and realized this is not the year for it. It's been a year full of change. So I decided I need to do what's best and just learn to adapt to this change. I need to set aside my anxiety and stress. At the end of the day change is good and it's ok to sit back and enjoy the ride. 

Past & Future Preventing Your Present

There comes a point when you have to let go of what was and what will be to handle and enjoy your current state. Not easy I know. The past has already happened. We hold on to memories and even resentment. Then we focus so much on what is coming and how things will be that we don't allow ourselves to deal with the present.

Let it GO! The past. The future. Let it BE! I know I keep reminding myself of it too. Enjoy this moment. Enjoy today.