Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Simplify Your Life!

After a relaxing getaway I thought I would come home refreshed. I did but it lasted a couple of hours. Today was rough. Work is super busy which is great but juggling kids, a job, being mom, a wife, a cook and a maid (don't we all feel this way) seemed to really get to me today. Like REALLY get to me.

Why can't I relax even with thoughts of the mountains in the back of my mind? 

So I decided I need to do a couple of things. One dinner time sucks the life out of me. I love to cook but after working, picking up the kids standing infront of a stove cooking while they run wild isn't much fun. So easy simple dinner menu is something I need to come up with. Even if it's pancakes for dinner who cares. I love to make sides and take my time and well at 5:00 on a week day that needs to stop. So I will pull out my crockpot recipes and see what I can come up with. Any quick dinner tips is welcomed!

Next I need to put my phone away. Yep shut it off. From 5 to bedtime it's no longer going to be by my side. Whatever needs my attention will have to wait. 

Read: I miss reading. I get my news off social media. I don't have ME time. I couldn't believe I didn't think to pack a book for my weekend getaway. It proved I don't put me first. So I need to set aside at least 30 minutes a night and read a good book! Any suggestions help!

I need to simply my life. This running around and being stressed out is taking a toll on me. It's time to let it all go and be a little selfish and embrace the things that make me happy! I need to wing dinner. Read a book. Not care what emails are coming in past five and enjoy the little things. Like the view of the mountains in my head!

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