Thursday, July 21, 2016

Trader Joes' Must Try Products

I have become a huge fan of this place this summer. It's a fun little store packed with amazing healthy treats and for a bargain price!

It all started off with a play date. My friend brought over a huge bag of puffs that I couldn't stop eating. Double the size bag of regular pirate booties for $2. Yep $2. 

Then it lead to a biweekly trip. My sister moved back to CT and well play dates with her little ones and then retail therapy for the mommies have become a biweekly fun adventure.  

Needless to say I went today. Bought two groceries bags full of groceries for under $50. And full I mean not your typical plastic bag full. Try extra larger brown paper bag full.

Be sure to get the milk and dark chocolate covered almonds. They are mixed so you get a fun treat. All I need are two to fulfill my chocolate fix. They are huge. 

My new favorite treat:

Trader Joes is throughtout CT. My favorite locations are in Darien and Westport. Needless to say they all really rock!

Check out this awesome article I read for more fun treats.

Best Products From Trader Joe's:

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