Monday, October 31, 2016

Trunk or Treat Fun

I can't believe yesterday was the first time I went to a Trunk or Treat with the kids. Normally I see ones for the night of Halloween and we don't go because I like doing the traditional house to house trick or treating but now I may change my mind. 

It's so cool! Cars lined up. Trunks decorated. Kids get candy and move trunk to trunk. It's super entertaining! Our church did one yesterday for the children after mass. My girls loved it. 

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Fun Halloween Jokes

It's that time of year for ...Spooktacular Halloween jokes. I can't wait to ask these to the kids in the morning.


Why are vampires easy to fool?
Because they are suckers 

What are mummy's favorite types of music?

Why don't ghosts like rain on Halloween?
Because it dampens their spirits

A Proud Mom's Moment

She's been singing in her choir for a while now and loving it. She's been telling me she wants to cantor- when you stand on the alter and the choir backs you up while singing. Well her church had mass for children grades 1-3. They asked for volunteers to read/do intentions/ bring up gifts. 

I emailed the head teacher and told her she could do intentions. I didn't think she would be ready for a reading- standing on the Alter alone. Our church fits hundreds of people. The thought of her standing on stage intimated me, I couldn't imagine how she would feel. 

They said since she is choir she couldn't BUT then asked if she could do the opening. This is when mass is quiet. Everyone is sitting still and waiting for the priest and alter servers to walk in. I left the decision to her and she was excited. 

I was so nervous. On my way to church I started to feel as if I was the one standing in front of hundreds of people I kept saying I will sit right in front. Just look at me if you get nervous. I didn't share how nervous I was. 

Sure enough she goes up. I sneak my camera to video tape it. She rocks it. Like nothing. Piece of cake. She even looks up a couple of times while reading. 

She goes back and then puts her choir gown on to sing. I am beaming. As we get ready to go up for the bread I see her from the corner of my eye. She is on stage cantoring infront of hundreds of people. I am speechless. 

She will be 8 soon. 8! I haven't achieved half of the stuff she has by this age. She's amazing. I can brag because I never do. My eyes fill up with tears when I see her sing and now she's on the alter leading the choir. She's more than I ever imagined she would be. I am her number one fan and always will be! 

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Halloween Weekend Fun!

For starters I must say my pumpkin cheese ball came out super cute!

I had no clue what to dress up as. Always running around for others, I always do last minute dressing up for parties. This year I was a spider and it was perfect because I remembered my friend's spider hat would work perfectly with my outfit!

Being older and hitting off Halloween parties means finding something fun yet comfortable. 

Friday, October 28, 2016

Little Pub In CT Oh My Oh My

It's been a while since I snuck out to see one of my girlfriends. She just moved out of town and I wanted to meet up with you to give her some maternity clothes. We decided to meet late afternoon for something to eat. She's never been to Little Pub that just opened up in Fairfield. I have been to the one in Norwalk a couple of times and always loved it so when she suggested it I was al for it.

I suprised her and brought my sister and we had an awesome "Fat Girl Friday" meal. That's our joke of our menu choices. For starters I LOVE their burger salad. A burger on a bed of lettuce with chopped pickles and French fries and thousand island. Umm it's like a Big Mac without the buns. So I knew that's what I would get. 

We read over the apps menu and everything looked amazing. When we finally got to decide we went with their version of disco fries: fries with cheese and crunchy bacon topped with chicken gravy. Let me tell you these were over the top amazing!

They have locations throughout Connecticut. Check them out

Writing this post makes me want them again. 

Everything we got was awesome comfort food. I mean after all the best lunch dates are women who are pregnant or pmsing- no holding back comfort food is what you get!

If you have never been then GO!

Their sweet potatoe fries are also one of my favorites. Great price for great food and of course everytime I am with these ladies it's a great time.

That's What Friends Are For

My daughter wanted her dad to take her to her harvest dance tonight at her school.  He could enjoy a room full of kids running around I thought!  So instead of being bitter about not being chosen to go I was a good mom and still had them bring in something for the bake sale.

He sent me a picture of the table and it had my cupcakes for sale for 50 cents less than the others. Of course I text my girlfriends there with their kids a little offended in a childish way. I mean some cupcakes were super cool but mine were still pretty creative. Within minutes my friends text me this picture.

I couldn't help but smile! Having my back
And buying my cupcakes. Love these girls more than they know. 

It's always great to have friends who know just want to do to make you smile. Those are the ones you must always hold on to!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Fun Easy Halloween Treats

You don't have to be a baking pro to pull off some fun Halloween treats. The stores are full of fun Halloween decorations that make embellishing treats super fun and easy. 

Leaf sprinkles and fun cupcake toothpicks add fun to cupcakes 

Talk about being creative. My friend sent me this picture. Super cute and easy way to add Halloween fun to any cupcake. 

What's For Dinner? Breaded Talapia Sandwiches

I didn't know what to cook. Bills were paid, kids had their bath and were in their pajamas and it was approaching 7:30 and I didn't have dinner. Then I remembered I bought these Panko breaded Tilapia from Costco.

All you have to do is bake them. I made tarter sauce and had cocktail sauce & fresh Italian bread and my dinner was made. 


Tarter Sauce Recipe:
2 tablespoons of mayo
1 pickel
1 tablespoon of pickle juice
1 tablespoon of seasoning salt

Cut up pickles. Add mayo, pickle juice and seasoning salt. Mix and refrigerate for 1 hour before serving. 

There's Always Someone Who Can Relate To You

I am a vocal person, as you can tell from my posts, I love to share how I feel and opinions. When I had Cancer a friend messaged me and said had melanoma and was embarrassed from it and saw how I was opening up and wish I could too. She's a beautiful woman. So silly I said to her. In Highschool I loved laying out and had friends who worked at tanning booths. We all did the " fake and bake" we were just the lucky ones who didn't get Cancer from it. Unfortunately she did. We chatted and I felt she gave me strengthen to share my Cancer journey with others. While I gave her Strengthen to share hers. 

My friend recently had surgery. Her little boy is amazing! Always happy and loving. He is on the spectrum and she is actively involved in getting special extra help for him. A group of us went to visit and we got on the subject about homework being a big chore. The women went on and on about how easily their sons got distracted. A light bulb went off and my friend said wow all along I thought since my son was on the spectrum was why homework was a chore. Nope the other moms replied. She felt relieved . It was a beautiful thing to witness. 

I recently spoke to a girlfriend about some personal issues. She said she had same issues and told me how she handled them in the past and how she could relate to me. It was extremely sincere and I didn't feel like I was crazy being able to relate to someone. 

It's ok to talk people. Not everyone wants bad for you. Speaking and opening up allows other people to come forth and say "me too" and it helps you deal and helps them deal! 

There will ALL be someone who can relate to you! It truly gives you strength and clarity.

Happy National Pumpkin Day!

It's National Pumpkin Day! I love pumpkin picking with my three little pumpkins! Where's your favorite place to go?

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Stew Leonard's Trick Or Treating Event In Norwalk

I try to take the kids to this event every year. This year they had you get tickets in advance. They gave out 500 "free" tickets which definitely helped prevent a over flow of people and crowd like last year.

We arrived 20 minutes before it begin and there was already a line. It was a chilly afternoon and kids were a little restless. It's fun looking at all the creative costumes and helps the time pass by. We finally walk in and the kids get to take a picture with the cow. Then there are 5 stations with two people at each station some dressed up a lot some a little, handing out candy/snacks/juice etc. We stop at each point and the kids take pictures. 

Now the problem with these events aren't the kids. It's the parents. There was this one little girl ahead of us who came with four adults and four adults telling her to look at them while she took a photo and each took a turn taking the picture. 

Then there's that one parent who cuts the line and sneaks passed everyone thinks no one is watching and well we are but just don't find a need to cause a fight because well you look ridiculous  as is. 

But back to the event. The staff is super sweet and the kids all happy. The kids totally get a nice amount of stuff about 8 items. We were out of there by 5:20. When we got in the car my 3 year old said "I am happy, I had a lot of fun, thanks Mommy, Nonna and Zia" this then causes all the other kids to say thank you and makes the whole process worth it. 

My shadow

It's Only Tuesday...

It's been a long week and it's only Tuesday night. The "pre" halloween week is taking a toll. With three more Halloween events this week I may need to take a day off to rest. Although it's a lot of fun its a lot of juggling tasks. 

I took a week off from Blue Apron due to the run around and I miss it. Why? Because it plans meals for me. All
I have to do cook and not think about it. 

Instead I ran to Costco and found myself looking for meals to cook this week. I roasted a ton of vegetables for a side dish and picked up a Rotisserie chicken, amazing Asiana chicken wraps that I highly recommend and Panko crusted tilapia to bake. That should cover dinner and lunch with leftovers. 

I still am torn about to bake or pick up something to support our school's PTO bake sale at the harvest dance for Friday. It's always nice to just get something already made to avoid we figuring out where to fit in baking- all so silly I know but all time consuming. 

How's your week been?

Coffee For $1 at Dunkin Donuts

Customers part of the DD Perks can enjoy $1 medium hot coffees today. I could really go for a donut right now! Enjoy the Perks!

Touch-A-Truck & Charity Chili Cook Off Nov 6th

You know how I love my Touch-a-Truck events and now all you Chili lovers get enjoy a Sunday out for a good cause!

*Source: Content from Stamford Museum and Nature Center 

Spooky Yet Cute Easy Halloween Decorations

The credit for this goes to the party planner at Kidville in Westport CT. The place is so decked out in super cute Halloween decorations. I could post a ton but decided to limit to my two favorite!

All you need are party streamers!