Thursday, June 23, 2016

6 Month Follow Up For Me

After three years of 3-6 week follow up appointments, my Thyroid medicine fluctuating up to 220 down to 150 and every dose in between, scans, bloodwork, Cancer bloodwork screening and being poked at I finally graduated to needing to see my specialist every 6 months! I walked out of my appointment with a grin ear to ear. 

It's been a rough, emotional, painful, hopeful process and the kicker is this: Fall 2015 was a rough season for me. My personal life had some things going on that increased stress in my life. Ironically that's when my lymph nodes swelled and abnormal findings on my ultrasound showed up.  

Things in my life started to test me more and more and finally by May was put to rest. 

Things turned around. My prospective of life turned around. I started to be happier. My scans were now normal. My levels regulated. My need for Tylenol three times a day decreased. My lymph nodes went back to normal size. Life turned around. 

It's time to turn your life around too! Cheers to healthy and happy beginnings!

Summer Breakfasts Are The Best: Enjoy Your Summer

Waking up late...well two of them. No plans in the morning. Fresh waffles with fresh strawberries hand picked over weekend from my sister. I even snuck in a spoonful of Cobani Greek yogurt in the waffle batter.  No rushing. A movie playing in the other room "The Little Mermaid". It's the little things in life that help start the day right. 

Hope you have some of these mornings where the mess doesn't bother you and you don't have to run around to get everyone out the door. Where you can actually enjoy your hot coffee without reheating it. 

Summer relaxation isn't only about laying in the sun on the beach. It's about embracing the natural sunlight. Making smores past bedtime. No set plans and running around. Sticky suntan faces. Ice pops and darkeness setting past their bed time and yours. 

Embrace it. Enjoy it! We look forward to this weather all year. 

It's All About Balance! This Stage Of Life Is Hard

I read this article and it is spot on about being a Mom, trying to identify with who you are while caring for others,how marriages  change and how important it is to find friends who help balance you! How it's ok to ask for help so you don't need to do it all alone, etc... I read this and forwarded it to all my mommy friends.