Monday, July 18, 2016

Copacabana Brazilian Restaurant In Port Chester NY

Meat Please...

This place is amazing! I have been to a Brazilian Steak House In Massachusetts before and have been wanting to go back. I found a Groupon Online and figured let's give it a try. You get a salad bar full of cold salads to choose from. Then you get a bowl of rice and beans and fried plantains- the best I have ever had. 

Then the fun begins...

For those who have never been to a Brazilian Restaurant be sure to come hungry. You get a card. Green side signals servers to ask if you want the type of meat they are hand carving at your table,literally slice a piece and you pull with your tongs. The red means No thanks. I personally like to keep mine on green so I see the different types they are offering. 

I had lamb, beef kabobs, steaks, chicken wrapped in bacon, pork, filet wrapped in bacon and on...all delicious. Now if you are like me and like your meat cooked on the more well side you can tell the server and they will give you a piece more cooked. 

It takes the term "Meat On a Stick" to a whole new level!

If you're a meat lover then book a reservation. You will not be disappointed. 

Peace Please: Ben and Jerry's Factory Tour

This past weekend I had the pleasure of visiting the Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Factory in Vermont. I was like a little kid in a candy shop. Was so cool and what an appropriate time for "National Ice Cream Day."  They had this sign up in their tasting sample room and it was so fitting for the events taking place across the world. 

If you ever have the pleasure of taking a trip to Vermont be sure to take the time and visit here and do a tour. Super cool and smelled amazing!!!

Come Out And Let's "Pley"

We live in an era where you can rent cars, rent furniture and now can rent TOYS! Yep! Pley is an amazing new concept where you rent toys. For as low as $12.99 a month, they will send you a toy to play with for as long as your child would like to. When finished return all pieces in package and return item with self addressed label they provide. Then wait for a new toy to arrive.

So I know what you're thinking: 
What if you loose pieces? No problem they will replace them.
What if you want to keep the you? No problem you can purchase it. 

All toys come sanitized so you do not need to worry about germs- because we all know kids do carry them. 

How fun would it be for your little one to receive a package with a new toy? I know I just helped you get the award for best parent around! Check it out!

Bucket List: What's on Yours?

We all have goals. Some are bigger than others. My ultimate goal is to travel the USA not the world but the great states that are surrounding me. Think about it. How many states have you visited? I probably visited maybe 20 of them in my lifetime. How amazing would it be to travel to almost all of them? 

This is my biggest goal on my bucket list right next to visiting Australia. I originally planned this with my hubby for when the kids all finished college but maybe one day I can pull it off with them and live out my ultimate goal. Take 3 months off and drive. Stop at landmarks and little mom and pop stores and restaurants. See the world our neighbors are living! Sounds awful to some people. Not me. I want to see how others are living this "American Dream!"

What's on your bucket list? 

Scientist Figured Out The Ultimate United States Road Trip: