Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Time Has Come...Blood Work Tomorrrow

My last doctor's appointment with my Thyroid doctor didn't go well. My levels were off. She upped my meds again and said it was time for a change. So I did a couple of things. I fought for inner peace and I joined a gym. It's been four weeks of working out. Started out three times a week. Now I am doing four times. It's awesome. Painful but awesome. Tonight I ran for the first time in four years. Not for long. I ran. Then did high incline. Ran. Then incline. 

Tomorrow morning I go for blood work and Wednesday meet with her to review my levels. Now why am I so nervous? Because six months prior to my last visit my levels were perfect. We need me to get back to perfect. She also ordered a cancer blood screen which makes me nervous too but I have been feeling great so now time will only tell.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

What Lessons In Life I Have Learned...

As my birthday is approaching I would like to share some words of wisdom. I probably haven't lived half of my life yet but have found some things in life I think I should live by. These have helped me see things clearer and deal with situations. 

  1. Not everyone in life will like you and it's ok because think of how many people you aren't fond of. Yeah it stings to think so and some people may show it even when you can't escape their presence but normally those are the same people you don't care to spend more time then you have to with. End of day just be yourself. Don't ever ever ever change something you like about yourself for others. It's their loss anyway. 
  2. Marriage is everyday. It's like you have to wake up and work on it like it's new everyday. I heard of an author that practices imago and she had to marry and divorce the same man 11 times before she got it right. Yes sounds like a lot of work but sometimes,especially when you have kids, it's easier to deal with what you have verse dealing with something new. Imago works. When you do it! It's helped me a lot. Like a ton, total transformation. 
  3. Karma is real. Like scary real. So keep doing good. Regardless if you see it coming back or not because in long run it does. 
  4. Be happy with yourself. Truly put yourself first. Now that's hard to say as a mom but if I don't take care of myself who will? If I am not healthy or happy I can't take care of anyone else. 
  5. Your body will change and change a lot. Like 100 times in a lifetime. Ok so I exaggerated but really it never stays the same. Doesn't mean give up on it just means learn to accept it and appreciate it. 
  6. Motherhood is fking hard. Like super hard. It's also super rewarding but hard. I won't lie. I am a total hands on parent. I do crafts. I take my kids everywhere. I am active in their life. It's hard. They can run you down. They can make you feel like you suck. Really if you never felt like that then you're totally lying. But then something happens. They kind of make you feel good and you wouldn't change it. 
  7. People can change ONLY if they are ready and willing and WANT to change. I swear you can loose your mind trying to change someone but if they don't see they have a problem well then you're wasting your time. 
  8. You are what you think. Positive affirmations work. Really truly do. You become what you believe. Always try to be positive always!
  9. Spend time with your kids and teach them everything. Kids are sponges. Really no lost causes people. Take the time and talk to them. Explain things. Challenge them. I am amazed at my kids. Amazed everyday of what they are capable of doing. It's work people. It takes time and yes I even don't do it as much as I should BUT you are molding them. You are their role model. You are their teacher. Take the time. 
  10. Never be jealous. Jealous is evil. I don't know how but my parents raised us to NOT be jealous and it stuck. Jealous is an awful feeling. It is normal for it to pop up but let that shit go. Being jealous is ugly. 
  11. Compliment people. You have NOTHING to lose making someone feel good. 
  12. Have a network of moms. Like moms who have your back. Not moms who are fake or nice only to your face. Real moms. Moms that will look out for your kid when you're not around just for the pure love of them. Moms who you don't compete with. Who you admire and make you feel good. Like touch your souls good. I am blessed to have a lot of those types of women. Truly makes you feel strong and capable and good. Really good and happy and young. Trust me. 

Best Flower Deal: Trader Joes

We all know how much I love this place. Well I had my daughter's first concert at school. She did the viola and recorder. I popped in Trader Joe's for flowers and was amazed  8 roses for...$5.49! I know crazy and absolutely gorgeous. Guess where you will be buying flowers next time, you're welcome!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Take It Back To Your Roots

Think about how you are and why you are the way you are,most of the time it's due to your roots  how you were raised, how relationships around you were, who your role models were. Being a parent isn't easy  I always joke which one of my kids will end up in therapy. But reality is we are shaping,molding, creating a lifestyle that our child will copy and mimic. That's a lot of pressure I know. 

Being a kid isn't easy either. Fighting for freedom, wanting to explore the world, having people to answer to. Being bosses around. 

I really try to keep my kids happy and loved and show them good values that they will hopefully carry along with them. But I am not perfect. This is a good reminder to do what you can to be what you wanted and needed when you were a child. Be that person and your kids will turn out just fine!

Tuesdays: Ice Cream From Carvel- Cookie Butter Oh My!

Every Tuesday my father helps me out by picking up my oldest from school. They have a ritual every week to stop at Carvel for ice cream. They meet me after at my parents house. In the beginning she would try simple flavors and bring vanilla home for her sisters. Every week they ask if I want something, I always said no thanks since I really didn't need the extra calories. But then she came home with this flavor- Cookie Butter. Now I don't know how to explain it. It taste amazing. It's not strong like a cookie flavor but the more it melts the tastier it becomes. I have heard of it before just not in ice cream form. I believe people use it as an ingredients when they bake. It boosts the flavor. I know it comes in a jar like peanut butter and I have tried it like that and was amazing. But in ice cream form is a whole other level. 

Of course now we all-including me-get a cup every Tuesday. 

Monday, April 24, 2017

When Life Gives You Lemons...

I am a huge lemon fan and agree that when life gives you lemons...

Easy Pasta Sauce: Secret Ingredient- Ground Turkey Meat

What's for dinner? Easy tomato sauce...just a couple ingredients and within one hour dinner is ready. Now people call it gravy, I call it sauce. Some people cook it for hours, me under one hour it is done. Regardless what you call it or how long you let it simmer I think we will all agree this recipe is super easy and super delicious. 

What You Need:

1 can of Red Pack tomato purée
 1/2 package of Trader Joe's Ground Turkey Meat
1/2 onion chopped
 1/2 cup of Olive oil

That's it! Super sweet super delicious and pretty healthy!

Trick here is sautéed onions! Cook onions in hot oil. Add ground turkey. Once meat starts sticking to bottom add your purée. Fill can 2x half way with water and add to pot. Simmer! Add salt based on preference and serve over anything! Tonight's sauce  was poured over Barilla's Mezze Penne.  Enjoy!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

4x Times This Week...

My sister told me I would get addicted. I went from not having any time to making it to the gym four times this week. FOUR TIMES! Ok so kids are with their dad some nights while I go but I also enrolled my daughter in the $10 a month day care and that allows flexibility during the day. It's amazing how sore and crabby I am yet keep going back for more. 

So maybe this won't be such a bad new habit. I have until May 3rd which is  my next doctor appointment is,actually on my birthday, which I wouldn't have done to myself but since I am so motivated I am anticipated good results. 

Earth Day Events in CT Saturday April 22nd

Tomorrow is Earth Day!!! Enjoy Earth Day Celebrations tomorrow by showing your Earth some love. Below are some upcoming events: has posted events towns will be hosting to help "clean up" and celebrate for Earth day. Learn more here

New Canaan CT: Grace Farms is celebrating Earth Day with insightful programs for all ages centered around preserving open space, restoring wildlife, and exploring the natural world. Learn more here:

Calling All Baseball Moms

Baseball season has begun. Time to run around to make it to games and practice on time. If you are like most moms you're your little ones biggest fan! Now you can enjoy some perks from investing in baseball products. 

Baseball Moms Rule is currently looking for moms that would love something that rewards them just for helping spread the word about Baseball products in their area. To learn more about this unique opportunity visit:

Kidville in Westport Summer Birthday Special 2017

Enjoy $300 off a Summer Birthday Party for your little one at Kidville in Westport. Contact Tonya at  to learn more. 

*offer expires April 30th 2017


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Summer Camp For Future Filmakers at The Ridgefield Playhouse

This is a great camp for your children who enjoy making movies and videos. 

*Information and image provided by Macaroni Kid 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Just Keep Driving...

I know I am not alone on this one! Thought we all could enjoy the laugh. There's been times I wondered what it would be like to get in the car. Blast music and and let everything else go for a moment. Of course I would come back! Eventually!

Calling All Princesses Great Event April 30th 2017

The Bridge Healing Arts Center will be hosting a Royal Princess Tea Party on Sunday April 30th 12-4:00 pm. This event will benefit Paul Newman’s Hole in the Wall Gang Camp. All of the Disney Princesses will be there singing songs and signing autographs. Please dress in your finest attire as a Royal photographer will be taking pictures with Belle and Friends.  Children may also sign up for a $5.00 Bippity Boppity Boo Glitter Makeover! Enjoy healthy snacks, tea and coloring.

WHEN:          Sunday, April 30th
                        Noon - 4p


WHERE:         Bridge Healing Arts Center

                        304 Main St

COST:            $15 per adult and $5 per child. All donations go to the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp

WHY:            The Princesses and friends will bring every bit of magic and pixie dust to create memories to last a lifetime while ensuring that children with serious medical conditions have the chance to experience summer camp.  The nonprofit Hole in the Wall Gang Camp community provides a unique healing experience to kids in need and their families, including those who may not be able to come to the Camp in Ashford, Connecticut.

HOW:            Contact or call 860-833-6376

Bridge Healing Arts Center is Connecticut’s first synergistic holistic health center located in the beautiful Farmington Valley. The impressive 20,000 square foot complex includes a serene outdoor space for classes and meetings, affordable temporary or permanent office suites, modern meeting rooms and common areas, onsite reception staff, video production studio and commercial kitchen. Leased and managed by Universal Enterprise LLC. For more information visit

*Information and picture provided by Alliances by Alisa

Monday, April 17, 2017

Make Yourself A Priority

I snapped. I just flew off the handle and then I picked up my sister and went to the gym. I
was venting and she said why are you sorry? You are a great mom, have a successful business, have a blog, take care of everyone and everything. It's ok to loose your sh$t once in a while. Just then the texts came pouring mommy friends one by one were venting about loosing their sh$t too. I laughed and said wow it is normal. 

Now I don't want to promote this because it does stink. It's not good for the mind or
body and is exhausting. The whole point is we all having breaking points. Being a mom is work. It's super rewarding but work. Add tension and other stress factors and well you can easily be set off. Lately I have been having some "me" time. Something that really I haven't gotten in a long time. It helps you take a time out and focus on yourself. Gym helps, manicures help, long drives helps, being with my sisters helps, being alone helps too. Making decisions for what you want to do or eat or go for yourself helps too. Yeah it's like an escape from reality but really should be a regular/ weekly/monthly goal you set for yourself. 

I know people who have Sunday afternoons to themselves to do whatever they want solo. Not grocery shopping but reading a book or hanging on the beach alone. Alone time for YOU. Why? Because when you're good then you're good for the people who rely on you. 

Easter How Things Have Changed

Easter morning was a lot of fun. The girls loved their basket and the "easter bunny" hid eggs for them to do an egg hunt. Then they got ready and left with their dad. It was my first holiday without them and it felt funny. I went to my moms early to help setup and ended up taste testing everything. Then it was pouring wine to help enjoy this gorgeous day. I even thought about sneaking away for a power nap. The weird thing about life is that you have to just live it one day at a time. Not sure how this will all end up but slowly adjusting to it. You can either cry about it or deal with it. Regardless there's always a plan for you so just stay focused and look ahead. 

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Fortune Cookie Prediction...

When you work hard results follow through. When I opened my fortune cookie tonight and saw this I smiled. I didn't think that a lotto ticket would be the results of great fortune but thought this meant my business would just keep growing. My business has been doing amazing and grateful for the crew I have supporting me and amazing clients who trust us to help their business excel. When you love what you do the possibilities are endless. 

Yogi Tea Advice Should Be Taken By All

I wasn't feeling well tonight so decided to make a cup of tea. I love the Yogi Throat Comfort Tea. This is all I used after I had my thyroid removed. The tag always has great, inspiring, messages on them. This was mine tonight which really comes at an appropriate time in my life: "The purpose of life is to know yourself and love yourself and trust yourself and be yourself" 

Thanks for the reminder!

Egg-stravaganza at Stepping Stones Museum in CT

I wanted to do something fun with the girls today. I saw this event and thought would be a great way to get in the Easter spirit. I was a little skeptical with taking them to a big event alone but the key to keeping track of them is to dress them alike. That way you don't have to remember what they are wearing. We arrived at 10 and beat the crowd. The event was held in their "courtyard" which is perfect because you are outside but it's closed in. 

They had face painting and bunch of fun "egg" games. They had live kid music by "Jay & Ray" 
They gave the kids a sheet to find pictures of eggs for their scavenger hunt. After we found five the kids got to pick a prize. The event was 10-1 and kids had a blast. Free for members. We stay almost two hours and the kids were super good and happy. 

Potato Stamps: Fun Kid Craft

My friend sent me this link she saw on Pinterest. You cut a shape or pattern in a potato. Have the kids paint it and then press it like a stamp on paper. Was super clever and kept the girls messy I mean busy for an hour.


Friday, April 14, 2017

Sisters Day In Westport...The Whelk, Donut Crazy and Tarry Lodge

We spent the afternoon in Westport and boy did we eat!

Started at The Whelk with Happy Hour. Amazing day to be outside. Oysters, shrimp,ginger beer, steamed clams with good! The steamed clams are amazing, the broth is addicting- we even dunk our fries in it. The ginger beer is so fun. Great vibe and great happy hour deals. 

You can't hang in Westport and not go to Donut Crazy! My all time favorite donut: Maple bacon donut.  It's delicious. The contrast of sweet and salty is amazing and the "crunch" you get makes me want to dip bacon in maple icing. I would love to try this warm. They have this coconut donut that reminded us of our grandparents- every time we slept at their house we would walk to a donut coffee shop for breakfast. The truck was there so we goofed around. We didn't even make it to the car with the donuts. We sat on the side of the tracks and dug in.   

After driving around we made our way to dinner at Tarrylodge. I was in charge of ordering because I have been there a couple of times and had my favorites I wanted them to try. The pistachio, red onion pizza with goat cheese and honey truffle is amazing! Really wouldn't think of this combo ever but really delicious and fun. Then we had their mushroom pasta- rich and so full of flavor. We had to add some greens so went with the salad with walnuts, cranberries and Gorgonzola. So refreshing. 

See I told you we ate well! Lots of laughs, great vibes and happy bellies. Made a perfect afternoon/night with my two favorite ladies-my sisters, my rock, my cheerleading team! 

Baseball Season Has Begun Thanks Casale Auto Body in Norwalk

Baseball has begun. Love the new shirts for this season. Big shout out to Casale Auto Body in Norwalk for sponsoring my daughter's team! Best Auto body shop in town!

Three Play dates in 24hrs...Why Not!

Been trying to have some fun stuff planned with the kids while still working afternoons. Somehow I managed to have three play dates at my house in 24 hrs. I know what you're thinking...crazy but really it was so good for the souls love these kids and happy faces. Sometimes something so little can help distract the chaos of life. Even though it is work and my yard looks like a day care seeing my kids happy makes me happy plus when you surround yourself with good kids and good people happiness follows!

I won't lie my girls did have some melt downs but it's hard for little ones who constantly think they are like the "big" kids. Overall I rather have them home then at school any day!

Hope everyone is enjoying their April break!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Never Ever Get A Mammogram On A Full...

I have been bad my last mammogram was September 2015. I know
I know past a year. So I go today and it's funny because I am super young to get them but have a strong family history of breast cancer and I am BRCA2 positive so have been going for past ten years  you would think I would know better than to go with a full bladder. Even when I walk in I passed a couple of bathrooms  I know why didn't I stop you ask? No clue! 

So I am in there and getting squished like a pancake and have this tight metal shield around my waist- even though I know for a fact I am not pregnant and still they make you wear it and then the tech says hold your have you ever tried to hold your breath while holding in your pee...yeah crazy. So I began to laugh and say "I really should have used the restroom ahead of time. I forgot how tight this all is and holding my breathing isn't help" The tech laughs hysterically. I warned her I had three c sections and am not responsible for anything that may happen. Needless to say I ran out of there and laughed while waiting for ultrasound. Gratefully all scans were clear and now I know better for next time. 

Boss Baby With My Three Bosses: Pets Vs. Babies

Went tonight to see this movie. Was cute! Irony is that there's some truth in it. It talks about how people are picking puppies over babies and I kindof see the trend. Most people I know who are childless are huge puppy and dog fans. Which is fine but makes you think how different life is for people with children vs. people with just pets. You can't compare the two. Although I do view my own dog as my fourth child and can appreciate the love people have for a pet.  

My Egg Sandwich Upgraded To Fancy

My sister put me on to this...egg sandwich with truffle cheese. I have been craving it and it picked it up this week at Trader Joe's. Anything truffle is amazing to me. The best part this block was under $7 and it lasts a long time. At first I felt guilty buying it like I should be saving some money and budgeting but then got home and saw what I paid and well there's no more guilt. Just pure enjoyment!  

Running...Baby Steps...Building Up The Courage

I almost ran tonight at the gym...almost. I usually am not a competitive person but I decided to go on the treadmill next to a girl who was running. I did the incline and fast pace and then "Rise" came on and I was like run runnnnnn but then I remembered that I needed extra vitamins today to help heal my body aches from my last workout and well I was four years younger when I was actively running. I also didn't trust me on the treadmill since I held on as I walked on incline and I didn't need an injury since I have kids home this week on break. But I could feel it in my blood and know it will just be a matter of time before I build up the courage!