Sunday, June 25, 2017

Chores List By Age Group

I came across this guide and thought it was interesting  I think my kids do most of up to age 6-8 but not on a daily basis and I don't give them an allowance. I think maybe once a little older it will be easier to enforce but am I lacking their capability to have some responsibilities? I mean as a kid my sisters and I always fought while we did chores. Looking back now I am sure would be much more relaxing for my mom to just do on her own then hear us complain. What chores do you have your kids help with? Are they consistent and how are they rewarded?

Source: Sport mom survival guide 

Friday, June 23, 2017

Make Your Own Trading Cards: Perfect For Children

Kids of all ages share a unique fascination with trading cards, from baseball cards to Pokemon decks. Why not boost your child's imagination and creativity by having her design her own deck of trading cards? Your child will even practice division and measurement to prepare this special deck. From royal kingdoms to local pets, a trading deck can follow any child's interest, and if her friends get involved too there's no end to the fun!

What You Need:

  • 4 pieces of heavy paper or card stock
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Lead pencil
  • Colored pencils or markers

What You Do:

  1. Using your pencil and ruler, divide each piece of paper into thirds along the short edge, and into five segments along the long edge. You should have 15 card-sized rectangles on each paper.
  2. With the help of your ruler, now draw a slightly smaller rectangle within each rectangle that you've drawn out. This is so that there is a small bit of room around each card when it comes time to laminate and cut them out.
  3. Brainstorm what kind of trading cards you want to design. Is it the cast of characters from a favorite book or series, such as Harry Potter? Is it your friends, family and teachers? Or perhaps a set of imaginary creatures with fun names? The sky's the limit!
  4. Once you've decided on a theme, it's time to get drawing! Using colored pencils or markers, draw out what you want in each rectangle. Be sure to include a name on each card. Don't forget the back of the cards, either: here you can put stats or details about the subject or character.
  5. When you've finished, Mom or Dad can take the card sheets to your local copy machine to be laminated. If you prefer, you can leave the cards unlaminated or use the clear plastic binder sheets with card pockets instead. This will ensure that they last for a long time.
  6. Cut out your cards, and get ready to get trading!

*Information and image provided by Holly Jachowski at

Free Things To Do In Connecticut

Who says nothing in life is free?! When you do a little research it's amazing what you can find to do and FREE stuff to do is even better! No excuses not to go out and have a little fun! How many of these places have you visited?

50 free things to do in Connecticut this summer 

What Are They REALLY Missing Out On....

Summer is long yet so short and all I wanted was to live each day on a whim. No plans. Dinner together at night. Swimming. Adventures in the morning. I work every afternoon so take the mornings to be with my girls. Some camps lined up but really just wanted to have fun. No major commitments and then we signed up for All Stars. 

Now don't get me wrong, it's awesome to see your kid playing and having fun and trying exercise and learning BUT it's a lot of work. It's nights and you drive places and it's unpredictable. So I gave it some time and finally sat down tonight for dinner as a family - which don't remember last time we did-and said no more. Next year we will not be doing this. There's nothing to prove. It's fun. Yes. But missing Birthday parties and gatherings and get together because of tournaments is not my thing. It's not. You sit at the field almost four times a weeks for over two hours and well I enjoy it but temporary. 

I am grateful my daughter is good. She does love it and hasn't Struck out in three seasons. She's only girl on her team and players are really good to her. But this is her youth. She plays sports during school year. Summers should be off duty. Time to be a kid. Stay up late, sleep in, not rush around making sure uniforms are clean and snacks packed and at field on time. Dinner in the car.  We rush during school year and rather not at summer. 

Parents who enjoy that so be it but this Mom says no thanks. Grateful she had the experience. And happy to finish the season but won't suggest this again next year. I enjoy doing things with my kids and believe it helps build character. They learn. They are sponges. Even if it is walking on the beach at night or doing crafts. Every year they are older. Why wouldn't I want to embrace all our time together?! 

So parents before you think about committing to something so time consuming this summer look at what you are really giving up. You are probably missing out on a lot more than you think and your kids are too. Look back on the past years of their life. What memories remain? What memories do your kids bring up? What adventures did they get to explore?

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Happy 1st Day Of SUMMER!!!

Sticky kisses, sunkissed cheeks, sandy piggies...endless snacks and late bed times. Wet bathing suits hanging on the deck. Empty cooler on kitchen floor. Camp schedules on my phone. Regardless I love it. Like LOVE having my kids with me. Knowing where they are and how they feel and just embracing it. Cause every summer they are a little older and need different things. Trying to embrace it with our daily adventures and play dates and day trips and vacations. Plus all the Baseball games and practices and just loving the heat on my face and my farmer tan lines. Nothing in life comes easy. Nothing at all. 

So...embrace it. And enjoy it. And love it!


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy Father's Day!!

Cheers to all the amazing dads! Especially mine and my daughters! 

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Places To Eat On Father's Day!

Tomorrow is Father's Day!! Not sure what to do tomorrow? Well check out these delicious places to treat your Pop tomorrow!

25 Places to Eat for Father's Day in CT

Camp Fun For My Middle One

Being a parent isn't easy but what makes a great one is a parent who understands their child's individual needs and pushes to have those needs fulfilled.  Last summer my daughter was recommended speech therapy. She attended the Elli Camp run by Stepping Stones after two weeks I saw a huge change in her, a positive change she started to speak more and better and had this confidence and never ended up needing therapy. After a year at her Pre K she can write her name and her teachers. She is trying to read. It's amazing. She's eager to learn and excel and do more. So when I saw that camp was available this summer again I hopped all over it and meaning hop I made calls and went to Stepping Stones and spoke to a couple people  I filled out a couple forms and went back to fill out more.  I didn't want to be "that Mom" you know the one who is annoying and gets too involved and impatient  but I really wanted her to get into this camp again. To push her even more ! When you think your child is lacking something and then they overcome it you get so inspired to push them even more, to see what else they are capable of achieving.  I passed the camp information over to my daughter's best friend's mom and she got in too, when I told my daughter this is the expression she made! Priceless 

Monday, June 12, 2017

Deborah Ann's Homemade Ice Cream In Ridgefield CT

What a fun spot in Ridgefield. Kind of felt funny going into a chocolate/candy/ice cream shop without the kids but my hubby and I needed a date night and well you can't see a candy shoppe and not go in it! I could hours inside. Looking around and seeing all the cool stuff. They had teachers gifts and candy boxes from each generations "1980's" their ice cream was delicious. Super cute place!

Changing One Word....

How changing one word, one simple thought, can turn one thing from a negative into a positive!

Workout Motivation...What's Yours?

I haven't been able to get to the gym  I have been swamped with my kids activities and sports and work and well squeezing in making dinner and grocery shopping and normal routines. I know people may say it's an excuse but really I LOVE working out. So as my schedule seems to go back to normal somewhat this week I plan on getting motivated since summer is around the corner and no one likes a donut in a bathing suit. 


Friday, June 2, 2017

Lunch With The Mayor

How many of you can say at 8 years old you had the opportunity to have lunch with your Mayor? This week I chaperoned an awesome field trip. 10 fundraiser kids from my daughter's school who raised the most money in the school for our walkathon got to get rewarded with having lunch with Mayor Harry Rilling and a tour of City Hall. Best of all...Elite Limousine donated a party bus for the kids to roll up to City Hall in style  was so fun and the children and myself learned a lot about Norwalk. Huge credit to the PTA for pulling off an event the children will never forget  

Chocolate Works In Darien

I attended an event here and it's amazing  as soon as you walk near the front door you get a rush of chocolate heaven scent. They have a ton of amazing chocolate treats. They have a huge back room they use for parties and events  perfect not just for kids but for adults too. You get to pick a mold and pour chocolate into it, they have a huge chocolate fondue to dip chocolate in. What really stood out for me was their ability to make chocolate business cards  can you imagine?! I know a clever, yummy idea. They can print anything on to chocolate, I know amazing!

Yep, a conveyor belt just like the "I Love Lucy" scene. 

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Cherry Lane Park in Darien

This place is awesome and super prettty. I love the closed in toddler playground making it easy not to loose sight of your little ones! There's even a "big" kid playground and a super cute nature center. 

Free Donuts On June 2nd 2017

Tomorrow is National Donut Day.  Donuts are such a staple morning comfort food and well now you can actually celebrate eating them- guilt free of course.

"Here Are All the Places You Can Get Free Doughnuts on National Doughnut Day"