Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Holiday Video: Hallelujah by - Pentatonix

Last year around this time my dog passed away. I remember he wouldn't get up to eat and I know he wasn't right. I thought he died but then I picked him up and he came back to life. They say my energy helped bring him back to life but we had to put him down anyway since he was too sick to make it much longer. I didn't feel much then. Life was crazy. My dad was in and out of hospitals gratefully doing well now but that was hard. Then my ex's grandfather fell ill and passed. I was a little numb. I didn't react too much to all that was going on in my life. I just kept moving along living day by day.

One thing you go through getting a divorce is letting all emotions you once hid resurface and it's ok. It's like cleansing the soul. It actually feels great after doing it- not so much during. But it helps you free the anger, stress, resentment, hurt you were once numb to. Still love this song and love it reminds me of my dog Sammy, that my dad is well and life is short so cherish those you love.

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