Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Tree Is Up...Getting In The Holiday Spirit

I was going to eventually put up a tree...ok maybe not...but something hit me. Everytime we drove through the street at night my kids got so excited for the Christmas decorations and I knew I had to get them, me, us into the Holiday spirit. 

It's fake, maybe one day I will get the courage to cut down my own again but for now this will do. It's tall and I even picked a new spot in the house this year and actually love it. I lugged this thing from my basement and will not lie I cursed a little under my breathe. But it's up and I did it alone and well there's something empowering about that. 

Everything happens in life for a reason, right?  Do what makes you happy! End of day you're all you got! Be good to you!

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