Saturday, April 1, 2017

Saturday Crafts With My Girls...Why I Do What I Do!

We hung home today. I told them to turn off their electronics and let's do something fun. I pulled out the crafts and before you know it I was regretting my decision. Water spilled, glue all over the table and their hands, markers more on their hands then the paper. After a couple deeps breathes and time outs my two year old said "Ma take a picture and send to my daddy...let's hang it up here". I smiled and knew that's why I do what I do. 

It's a mess, work, some screaming BUT it's the way their face lights up, the way they are proud of their artwork, the way they smile and days after walk by it and say "I made that". 

Being a mom isn't easy, lord knows I know, but it's the smallest things that can leave a major positive impact! 

Four Years Cancer Free...Carry On

Driving to Yale New Haven Hospital and this song comes on and I just began to cry. I couldn't believe I left my newborn home and four year old to have my Thyroid removed from my body. It was awful, I didn't know if the cancer spread, I didn't know how much cancer I had. All I knew was my life was about to change forever. I will never forget walking into the operating room. "Just lay back, tilt your head back" I looked up and saw the lights and could see my reflection. This was it. God please don't let it spread, please let me be ok...

Four years later I am stronger then I have ever been. Even without a Thyroid, even after treatments, even after a roller coaster ride with medicine and levels.  I am a fighter, fighter for life, fighter for happiness. I beat cancer. I am strong, whatever next happens in my life I can handle it.

"Though I've never been through hell like thatI've closed enough windows to know you can never look back
If you're lost and alone
Or you're sinking like a stone
Carry on
May your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground
Carry on"