Divorce The Roller Coaster Ride

It’s truly like no other. Divorce is a pretty ugly, emotional, up down, ride. You are easily triggered because emotionally you are mad, scared, angry yet fighting for peace in your life. Fighting for survival. All emotions are on the table. It’s really not fun. You start to feel bad for the kids that they won’t have that idea “mom and dad” family life. You start to wonder what your next role, steps in life will be. Then you think you can be civil with your ex and they do something that generates this monster in you. And their true colors show and you loose it. They know how to piss you off. It’s bull, BUT, it’s growth. You are growing as a person. You tackle your fears. You say ok how will I handle this and you get better. It takes time but you try not to react. You CHANGE!! I called my mom and said I am at peace but freaking out. Next day I called my sister and said the things that trigger my anxiety no longer trigger it. I am just going with the flow of life. 

You can’t allow anyone to break you. But when it comes to your kids,family and money, you fight the fight. That’s just how it is. 

I See Your True Colors...

There are many times people’s true colors shine through- be sure to pay attention, as you get older you think maybe they will change well they won’t. The sad, scary truth is we want people to change more than they are willing to themselves. That’s when you have two choices: accept the person or walk away from them. 

Oh What A Week...Cold, Virus, Whatever You Are Go Away

What a week it’s been. Started off with coughs lead to
 kids taking turns being home sick from
School, trip to doctors office, eye drops for my middle one and me. They finally are better and now I have time heal while they are at their dads. I went to bed at 8:00 last night just to try to catch up on sleep that I lost all week.  My abdominal muscles are so sore from coughing so much. I can’t taste much so haven’t really been eating too well. It’s not easy being sick and taking care of the kids. It’s also not easy being sick and wishing there was someone there to make you soup or tea or get you that extra blanket. BUT this all makes you stronger and independent and really feel you can tackle anything when you get through doing it alone. 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Soul Mate...Have You Found Yours?

I haven’t been single in a very long time and although I need to be in order to regroup and have me time and fix what is wrong in my life and deal with certain emotions sometimes, just sometimes, I think about who I may end up with. I know relationships don’t define us. We define ourselves but when you have been in a relationship for a long time you tend to blend as one and well after a divorce you’re solo. You focus on you. It’s been a very long time but I do believe out there, somewhere on this planet I too will find my soul mate. Someone who brings out the good in me and is a good partner, teammate and friend. We all do have them. I do believe in that just sometimes we haven’t found them yet. Have you found yours?

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Taste Of Fairfield: Winterfest This Weekend

Comfort food, comedy show and booze...sounds pretty amazing! This Sunday check out the Taste of Fairfield Winterfest on January 28th 12-4:00 at the 
Brooklawn Country Club in Fairfield. The theme is Super Bowl Food! Purchase Tickets and Learn More Here: 


Saturday, January 20, 2018

Saltwater Restaurant: Ferrero Rocher Martini

Delicious is an under statement. This Ferrero Rocher Martini rimmed with Nutella and Hazelnuts is pretty amazing! Great after dinner cocktail. Skip dessert and enjoy this instead!


Love Shouldn’t Be Hard...

I am a sucker for a good love story. Even if my marriage didn’t end the way I hoped I still believe in love. I still believe we have someone out there that is our match and will bring out the best in us.  I do also believe that love shouldn’t be hard. It shouldn’t be work. I know relationships are about compromise but if it is hard then it’s not right. Everyone wants that magic. That happily ever after. I believe it can happen. Just sometimes it takes a couple of tries.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Truly Devote Your Time To Your Kids

I always say I wish I could split myself into three! After school is always this weird time in my house. If we don’t have an after school activity to go to I try to rush the kids home for snack and homework so then they have some down time. They are always so hyper which blows my mind since they spent the last 6 hours at school. Sometimes they are super cranky and clingy and making dinner becomes almost impossible. They are constantly eating and making a mess and I try to tell myself let it be and just clean up after bedtime. 

So yesterday my oldest daughter tells me she has her math test for today. I kindof cringe. I know it stresses her out. She’s been having some trouble with it. A lot
of word problems and I feel she just guesses instead of working the problems out. So after dinner and homework and shower time I sit down and finally review it with her. Meanwhile her little sister is hyper and jumping all over me to get some attention. I finally find an activity for her to do so I can devote some time with my oldest. 

I love her school. Truly do. Much harder work than her previous school and I like that because it is preparing her better for middle school.  But I do notice kids at her previous school struggle with Math in the upper levels. No school is a like regardless of being in same town. I totally believe math she learned is completely different then her current school and I believe her current school is more advanced. I get why but it’s a downfall for kids who will later struggle in a middle school. 

I do love that her school gives the kids access to do reviews and prep tests for assignments. Luckily math is one of them. So my daughter does some practice tests. As a parent it’s frustrating because you can tell she’s guessing. I finally say relax. Take your time and work out the problem. There’s no rush. I don’t expect 100. I just want you to pass and feel more confident. And I even told her if she needs a Tutor to help her feel better I will be sure to get her one.   She does one practice test and gets a couple wrong. Next practice test she gets one wrong. I ask her to stop so she gets some down time before bed but she insists and still practicing.  The next practice test she gets none wrong. She turns to me and smiles and says she feels better now about having her test. 

I pick her up after school and I am just dying to know how she did. She asked me to guess and I said 70. She said nope. I think crap did she fail this one. God I am going to need to hire a tutor. She shouts 85. I am beyond happy for her. Just knowing that she is improving from her previous scores made my whole night. Her teacher asked her what helped and she told her she practiced a lot the night before. 

Now I get it parents. You work. Come home. Make dinner. Have kids to tend to. Showers and bath time. Packing lunches for next day but STOP. Talk to your children. Make a small effort. If I wasn’t so in tune with my kids I would have never known she struggled with math. Take the time. I was exhausted doing the practice tests with her while tending to my other two but make an effort. It pays off. Truly does. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Donate Your Hair To Pantene For Cancer Patients

Did you know you can donate your hair to Pantene to help create wigs for cancer patients? Amazing, I know. A friend’s daughter did it today and I had to share it with my readers. What a great way to give back knowing it will help benefit those going through an awful time in their life. My mom had cancer when I was a teenager and although she didn’t use a wig she did loose a ton of hair. I remember seeing her features change from chemo. She was super self conscious from it and image those who loose all their hair. These wigs are made from real hair that people donate. It’s a beautiful thing that people can do. Be sure to read the guideline before donating and truly consider doing it after your next cut!

This Too Shall Pass...

Think about all you have been through in life. Now think how it all came about. Think about how you felt going through it and how you felt once it was over. Life will always be a rollercoaster ride. Good days, bad days. How we handle the ride will determine a lot. Always remember “this too shall pass”. Try to find good in every day!

Registration Is Open: Cal Ripken Baseball

Time to play ball...

Norwalk Cal Ripken Baseball Registration is Open http://www.norwalkcalripken.com/

Urgent Care vs. Emergency Room...Know Where To Go

I saw this on mommy_scape page on Instagram and it’s great! Urgent care is always my go to place but sometimes I wonder if I should go there or ER. Of course this states the obvious- anything that is super urgent or needs surgery then go to the hospital. Everything else Urgent Care can handle.

Follow Your Own Vibes!

Your energy does not lie! It’s crazy how true this is. There’s people I am
so drawn too, because they make me feel good and happy and I enjoy being around them. They make me feel more alive, and can conquer anything. Then there’s those who drain your energy just being in my prescense- stay away from those type of people!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Focus On The Magic...

Don’t stay where you don’t belong. It’s easy to say going through what I am going through but reality is some people want the wedding and marriage and fairy tale. Reality it is work and not always ends the way you think. It’s easy for me to say but for single people who have never been married they want that life and sometimes they settle for it. Me nope, if there ever is a next time- Years from now-then it better be magic, pure joy and love and respect and honesty and teamwork. It has to be because in the end it is easier to be alone then with someone who makes you feel alone anyway!

Wood Fired Oyster & Beer Unite Jan 21st

Fun event on Jan 21st where Half Full brewery, Copps Island & Knot Norms unite. Enjoy beer and a Copp's Island raw bar, wood fired oysters, oyster beer shooters, and blistered shishito peppers. 

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Fun At Arthur Ave...Food, Fun, Childhood Memories

Why do I love Arthur Ave? Well of course for the food but mostly because it brings me back to my roots, to my childhood, to my heritage. I took a trip down with my sister and my parents and it’s been years since I have been here which is sad since my father normally goes every Sunday. I love that everything is the same, Casa De Mozzarella still has the best mozzarella
I ever had which helps waiting in line when your dad is friends with all the workers and you snack on the fresh cheese, that is like butter and melts in your mouth, while you shop. The marketplace still has the same workers selling the vegetables and fruit at the stands. The cigar shop is still open where you can see them hand roll fresh cigars. Then there’s the fun Italian pastries and goodies. Where everything reminds you of a great memory. Reminds you of your grandparents and growing up.  Traditions, food, laughs- lots of laughs. So good for my soul and belly. Can’t wait to go back, we are already talking about our next ride down. Do something that brings you back to your happy place.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Break Up Your Day With Some Love...

It doesn't take a lot to make me happy, really I am serious! So I was feeling crabby and angry and actually told myself to get over it and just be happy. Everyday, try to be happy, try to do what you can but enjoy as much as your life as you can. So I have this thing with hearts. I see them all the time and in different places. Mostly in food like this morning. I was rushing to pack the girls lunches and then look over at my half eaten bagel and see a heart. I just stopped and smiled. I look at it as signs of my guardian angel giving me some love. Because end of day we all need to be reminded we are loved. 

Monday, January 8, 2018