Friday, January 5, 2018

Baby It's Cold Outside...Not Cold Enough For Ice Cream

I was so close to ordering Peabody grocery delivery just so I didn't have to go outside but since I didn't have the kids tonight I put on my big girl pants and braced the cold. It's funny when something so silly can get you so happy. So I am almost done grocery shopping and make my way down the freezer section and see Ben & Jerry's on sale 3 for $10. Now I try to be good but then spot my favorite ice cream. First time I had this flavor was at the Casino when we took our daughter to see Pentatonix. I went back a couple weeks later after I went to see Kevin Hart and got a waffle cone. So yes this flavor brings back happy memories and who doesn't enjoy peanut butter cookie dough with caramel and chocolate ice cream. Amazing!

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