Saturday, February 24, 2018

Self-care...Be Good To YOU!

Be good to YOU. Take a nap, rest, order whatever you’re craving, hang out with people who make your soul happy. Self-care is so important. You have to take a time out and regroup. Meditate. Watch reruns of your favorite show. Let go off stress. You need to be ok to be good for others!

Cafe Madrid In Norwalk...Delicious

If you haven’t tried out the revamped Cafe Madrid then you have to give it a try! This Italian/Latin infused restaurant has some delicious items on their menu and must say I can’t wait to go back. They are going to start offering a buffet style brunch on Sundays. Will have to check it out. 

A group of us went for a friend’s birthday and it was perfect. We started with red sangria, their arugula prosciutto pizza and empanadas. My main dish was the Pasta Juliano- Pasta with grilled chicken and mushrooms tossed in pesto sauce. Delicious. I wasn’t in the mood for dessert so instead enjoyed a Frozen Mudslide- yep I will be craving this! The adult milkshake. Perfect night with some super fun ladies, belly laughs, and great food. 

Thursday, February 22, 2018

We All Want Our Moms When We Are Sick

First time both kids slept through the night since their surgery and let me tell you if they didn’t I think I would have gotten sick myself. Lack of sleep is torture to the body. It was like I had newborns all over again- waking up every three hours- except this time they would call for me in pain. You couldn’t help but feel awful for them yet pray for some rest. 

My oldest had the toughest time. She would leave for her Dad’s house then call me to get her. He’s a great Dad but we all want out moms when we are sick. It came to a point that I could predict her moves so I canceled my plans for th night and napped because I knew she would be home. 

Now my three year old recovered about three days faster than my nine year old. Which is crazy because they say the older you get the harder to recover. The other amazing thing about tonsil surgery is that my kids no longer snore. That’s a huge thing for me. Of course you panic at first to make sure they are breathing, but when they snores it’s like they struggled to breath.  But so glad they finally get real, normal sleep, and taste and smell like they should. It’s been a long journey but glad it’s only up hill from here. 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Medusa: A Paper Plate & Construction Paper

Been a long 10 tens with my oldest and youngest recovery from having their tonsils out so when you get a reminder from a teacher that kids have to dress up to present their project in a couple days you can freak out or put on your creative hat and get to work. Who knew that a paper plate and construction paper could pull together a Medusa costume. Hope my daughter appreciates what a creative Mom she has! 💚

Choose Wisely Who You Spend Your Time With...

Love this and it’s true! There are people who don’t make you feel your best and you feel you have to compete with- run from those type of people. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Hey Norwalk Hospital...Time For A Change

I am not one to talk negative. I truly believe that there’s always two sides to a story. I believe people and places can have an “off day” but as I sit in the emergency room at Norwalk Hospital for over an hour with my daughter I can’t help to vent by voicing my opinion. We were there 11:30 pm to 2:15 am before getting seen. So I went right to the source and I emailed the CEO of the hospital. 

I voiced my concern of not having a Pediatric Emergency Department. I voiced my concern that kids should not be in same area of everyone else coming into the ER. The emergency room is a very scary place. Scary for adults and even more scarier for children. My daughter fell alseep in a chair as other patients waiting to be seen just looked at her. It’s my child she should be in a place that’s comfortable. With other parents with children. There were three other families there, one even left because the wait was crazy, and I know with the Flu scare that the rooms get full but at least there should be a place where children feel comfortable. At 1:00 am I asked the front desk how much longer. They didn’t know. I also asked what protocol was for being seen. They said they go by priority. I don’t mean to be selfish but my child is my top priority and I wanted her seen ASAP so I could help her feel better. 

The response back from the CEO to my email was amazing. Michael Daglio personally responded back to my email and it was sincere and genuine and hopefully this will help make a difference.

 Local Hospitals, like Stamford Hospital, provide Pediatric Emergency rooms and areas and I think it really shows some creditability. There’s no reason why Norwalk Hospital can’t provide the same service. 

My daughter ended up being dehydrated and was sent home with anti-nausea meds and the IV fluid they gave her have helped a lot. The nurses were amazing but as I walked her numerous times to the bathroom we passed adults on stretchers and sick adults rooms and I kept telling her not to look and to look straight ahead.  

I know we can’t always get what we want but I love Norwalk and being a parent means fighting not only for your child but for all children. I hope my email
does make a difference and if any parent has to deal with what I dealt with at least let their children be in a comfortable child friendly atmosphere!

Monday, February 19, 2018

Are Your Feelings Being Validated?

I read this article and felt it was really important to share. When you are in a relationship or friendship there’s nothing worse than not having your feelings and emotions validated. People think this means agreeing with how someone feels but it actually doesn’t. It just means “acknowledging” what the other person is feeling. Try it, it could really help your relationships, friendships and ability to feel compassion for someone else while improving communication.

Understanding Validation: A Way to Communicate Acceptance | Psychology Today

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Best Valentine Ever!

It’s my first Valentine’s Day solo and my sister bought me this. Enjoy the laugh and Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you!!! ❤️

Monday, February 12, 2018

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Salt Cave In Ridgefield

What an awesome experience. I actually saw the deal on Groupon and went with my sister. It’s been on my “bucket list” for a while.  It was amazing. 

The salt cave is so peaceful and good for your body. All my aches magically disappeared. Better than a massage and cheaper. You go in a room filled with Himalayan salt on the walls and floor. Your body just absorbs it. People were walking in saying they are there to help with their sinuses. It is so calming. They give you a blanket and you sit in a zero gravity chair. You lay back and they have a voice in speaker telling you the benefits and history of this concept. They then tell you to sit back and relax. They play soft music so you can meditate. Honestly we didn’t want to leave. The room was so cozy and pretty.  I have a Himalayan salt lamp in my bedroom and love it, imagine a whole room filled with it, just awesome! So spiritual!

Connect Within & Then Heal

Digging deep can be painful. A lot of time we let anger cover up how we truly feel. You need to unbury those emotions in order to feel, heal and move forward. When was the last time you opened up to yourself. Forgave yourself and feel. Try it. 

Singles Mixer Feb 14th At Killer B In Sono

Killer B in Sono is hosting an event for single people on Feb 14th. No need to face this holiday alone. Go out and have some fun!

Learn More Here: Killer B Sono Singles Mixer

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Today’s Lesson: It’s Never Easy But Don’t Face It All Alone

I was always torn from day one. Being a mom and running a business. It’s not easy. Working and being a parent is not easy. Trying to be all these things isn’t easy. Today I learned it’s ok to ask for help. I was so grateful to have help with my kids this week. They keep getting sick and working from home means they stay home yet working tends to be super difficult. Grateful I have my family and in laws who are always willing to help. I just can’t juggle it all sometimes and it’s ok. Even their dad stepped in and helped. I have to grow my business even more being single yet have to be a nurturing mom even more too. Especially since they have been through so much change. The balance is hard. I want to pour my heart and soul into being a Mom and I want to pour my heart and soul into my job. Sometimes the two conflict. It’s never easy, I have to accept that but grateful to have help by those who want to try to make it a bit easier to manage. 

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Valentine’s Day Dinner at Knot Norm’s

5 course meal includes their lobster roll  and wine pairing...$65. This place has the best lobster roll I ever had. Delicious! Check it out!

Today’s Lesson: Say Sorry For Your Part

It takes two in every situation. Two people who let go or two people who didn’t give things their all. Two people who could of been better, done better, treated eachother better. Today’s Lesson is to say sorry for your part. Even if it doesn’t change the outcome it just feels good to say it and good to hear it so say sorry when you need to and heal. 

Today’s Lesson: Try Not To Always React

“Not every emotion deserves a reaction!”

Through the process of healing or finding yourself it’s good to know stuff about yourself that you need to change or work on. I am a reactor. It’s a flaw I know and today it clicked that every time I feel something I don’t need to react to it. Just feel. 

It’s Just Takes One...

It just takes one person to help you change your whole outlook. I love hanging out around people. I love talking to people. I love it because you always walk away with more knowledge, more hope, more understanding. When you talk to people you learn something new...almost every single time. It’s powerful it’s amazing. I woke up yesterday not feeling so great. I was down. I was confused. I was torn about moving forward or taking a step back.  I went to bed that night feeling great. Happy. Hopeful. Don’t alienate yourself from others. Be around people. It helps you grow. Helps you look at life differently. Helps push you to the right direction. What a difference 12 hours can make. Give yourself that!

Monday, February 5, 2018

Appreciate Your Tribe

It’s important to not do this journey alone. Grateful for my team of moms and non-moms who have made my journey in life so much easier. 

World Cancer Day: Survivor: Grateful!

Source: I Had Cancer Instagram

It’s World Cancer Day! Thinking of all those battling their battles and blessing those who have won their battles. Thinking of those who lost their battles. 

I gratefully saw my doctor this week and my levels are perfect, no trace of cancer in my blood work and she even lowered my medicine dose. Grateful everyday. My scar can’t been seen by many but it’s a sign of strengthen. No one should have to battle cancer. But grateful I didn’t do it alone. Grateful for my kids, my family and friends and amazing doctors. April will be 5 years cancer free. Can’t wait for that day, chances of reoccurrences after 5 years is slim. 

Motivation Sunday: Beating Bitterness by Joel Osteen

Learn to let it go. It’s not easy...I know! But staying bitter is toxic. You need to realize every lesson you face in life there is a better outcome and a reason for it. It’s nice to hear a reminder when you’re feeling low or down.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

You Can Get Back Up...Mistakes Aren’t Fatal or Final

“You can recover from mistakesDon’t think mistakes are fatal or final. You can pick yourself back up and get back in the game. “Jumanji 

Really loved the hidden messages in this movie!

Fun Super Bowl Food Facts

1.3 billion chicken wings will be consumed during Super Bowl. Talk about crazy! Check out some
fun food facts 

“We eat how much? Super Bowl food by the numbers “

Yes Please Wake Me Up For A Lizsue Bacon Egg & Cheese

I actually woke up really early. Kids were at their dads for the night and I just stayed in bed. Little did I know I fell back asleep.  I heard my house phone ring and it was past 9:00 am. It was my sister. “Are you ok she asked, sorry I woke you, I want to bring you breakfast.” Honestly amazing! Lizsue Bagels On New Canaan Ave in Norwalk is my all time favorite breakfast spot. It’s been a while since someone brought me breakfast: bacon egg and cheese on an everything whole wheat bagel. Super awesome treat. Super great reason to wake me on a Saturday! 

Check them out if you haven’t yet

Dinner & A Movie...Bow Tie Cinemas

It was the perfect Friday Night out. Pizza, wine, popcorn and Jumanji. Laughs and happy bellys. Doesn’t get better than that. I LOVE the new theaters in Norwalk. It’s so cozy and they have a full bar and full food menu. The margarita pizza was really good and perfect size for two. The wine came in two sizes- for two glasses or three.  Totally fun to do on a chilly winter night. 

Thursday, February 1, 2018

What A Year I Mean Month....

*Source: Instagram

I loved the laugh. Really was incredibly long! Ready to enjoy the rest of 2018. 

Feel So You Can Be Free

Love this and it’s because a lot of times we don’t “feel”. I was angry for a long long time. I actually was numb to a lot. Then I allowed myself to feel. You feel and you get over it and can move forward. If you don’t feel you never truly heal. This applies to a lot of aspects in life. Feel and be free of that feeling!

Goodbye January...

January felt super long! Super, super draining. Cold weather. Snow. Lots of it. February just means closer to Spring. Warm weather. Fun activities. A chance to feel good again and things to look forward to.  ❤️