Thursday, January 4, 2018

You Have To Focus On The Lessons

It's a roller coaster ride. Life in general is. Good days, bad days. I heard it takes 5 years to
really get over a divorce. The time frame starts from when the marriage starts to fail and go
down hill. Crazy to think people jump into relationships fast after a divorce. It's like
you need to date yourself before you can even really know what type of person you want to be with. I met a lady who was going through her second divorce. Her second husband was an alcoholic. She said at first it was fun and she thought he just liked to party. She didn't realize the extend of the problems he had. Obviously she didn't wait 5 years. I get why, no one wants to be alone. But you need time. 

You need time to mourn the loss of your marriage. To be your own friend. It's hard not
having a companion, someone who has your back, but how selfish is it to jump into another situation without allowing yourself time. Time to focus on the lessons and allow yourself to grow. Be better. Love yourself. Fix what you need to fix within yourself. 

Snowed In...Blizzard 2018

*Picture Source: Facebook

I hope you all embraced the storm. I will tell you it wasn't fun and makes me wonder why we live where we live but since I don't handle being hot well I have no choice but to embrace winter as one of our seasons. 

Last night I decided to do something for me. The kids where at their dad's.  I decided I wasn't going to work. I instead picked up Chinese food and donuts at Dunkin Donuts and pigged out watching TV. When my girls came home at noon today I was ready to be an adult again. I made them soup and we baked and ended our night cuddling on the couch. It's about balance. 

Snow is pretty but a hassle. Shoveling is great exercise but painful I am totally feeling it already. Being snowed in with my kids is work but makes my heart happy. 

I hope YOU too take some time to enjoy quiet nights alone and yet also enjoy the time with your kids or families.