Saturday, July 6, 2019

Let’s Validate How You Feel

Let’s face it. We all go through this. It’s the need to have your feelings validated. Now there’s a difference between being right and someone validating how you feel. 

It’s not about being right or wrong. See our feelings aren’t right or wrong. They are our feelings. It’s how we perceive something. When you get validation the person is not agreeing. The person is honoring how you feel. See the difference. 

“I can see how that can upset you.” “I understand you are hurt.” “I didn’t mean for you to feel that way.”

You are validating someone’s feelings and when you do it actually puts the argument to rest. 

When you try to change how someone feels or views something you are saying they are wrong. “I understand BUT” 

No...”But” isn’t helpful. It’s not validating. It’s not helping someone’s feelings change. It’s saying don’t feel that way. 

Validating someone brings the respect you have for them to a whole another level. Try it. See how it works. There’s nothing worse then someone trying to change the way you feel or make you feel crazy for feeling a certain way. 

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