Saturday, July 6, 2019

Facing It...You Have To At One Point

People says it’s FOMO- fear of missing out. Some say they have to keep busy and can’t sit still. What I have learned through the years is that it’s a distraction. I have done it. You have done it. We all at one point ran from our truths so we kept ourselves so busy that we didn’t have time to process or even be upset or deal with any emotions that were keeping us back. 

Do you ever hear someone say when I relax I get depressed? It’s because when your surroundings are calm it gives your brain time to process everything. You process and then all these fears or pain or things you have to do come to surface. Just like going to bed. We all joke bed time we toss and turn because our brain is reminding us of all the things we have to do. 

It’s ok. It’s ok to relax and stop the outside noise from distracting our brain. It’s ok to just focus on what’s really bothering us and not covering it up so we can deal and heal. 

What isn’t ok is not being intune of your life. When we create chaos we are only adding to our plate. We aren’t owning up to our fears and weakness. We are allowing things to pile up. It’s ok to be sad. It’s ok to deal with emotions we hide within us. Stop running from it all and start facing it all. 

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