Saturday, August 3, 2019

Happy Saturday!

“You’re like a breath of fresh air.” I swear I was so set back and it was so sweet. It was the kindest thing my girlfriend said to me. She’s a very serious yet sarcastic funny girl I am always saying how much I appreciate our friendship. She’s helped me through some battles this year and we sometimes hang twice a week when I don’t have the kids. It’s just fun girl talk. Plus her humor is nothing like anyone I know. 

In life we hang on to each others words. Things said to us. How great if we can turn around and only hang onto the good stuff. Let go of the negative. Cleanse our minds of doubt and hurt. Open our hearts up. 

My friend yesterday told me “you appreciate the small joys in life I can learn from you.” I said I was happy we met and appreciated that. 

That’s all our goals right?  To learn from one another and teach one another things. To help eachother feel good. To point out positive stuff in them that they may not see themselves. 

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