Saturday, August 3, 2019

Let’s Fast Forward Time

Wouldn’t it be great if we could fast forward time and see how things end up. Then we could enjoy the journey so much more. Then we wouldn’t keep holding on to people or situations. Hoping for the best but deep down knowing that you may be wasting your time. That all along it never was going to turn out the way you hoped or thought. 

How all along it never was going to be what you wanted or needed. Instead we just wait. Silly....we wait for things to go in our favor and well sometimes they don’t. 

I know I know I say enjoy the journey. Enjoy the process. Yes it’s true. But sometimes we can prevent our own pain and hurt. We just don’t because we think things will end up differently then they probably will. 

Just be ok with it. No matter what the outcome is. Trust your journey. Don’t wait but don’t chase either. 

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