Saturday, August 3, 2019

Notice When You’re Triggered & Say Something

You have to be comfortable enough to know your emotions. When your mood shifts. I was speaking to a friend. Awesome fun silly conversation and then bam. My friend said one thing and it triggered me. I felt it. My blood pressure rose, I felt sad, mad and instead of fighting I called it out. I said you triggered me. And they apologized. That’s it. No fighting no back and forth banter. It stopped and I went back to fun silly banter. 

Why is this important? Because people don’t know when you’re mad or why. We hold in a lot of crap, pain and then what happens? We become distant and angry. We hold a grudge. We have pain. We don’t heal. 

What if when someone does something we don’t like we call them out on it?

Hey that bothered me. Can we discuss it? Or hey that triggered me and I don’t like how that made me feel. Don’t be defensive when someone says that. Say ok no problem. 

Why haven’t we become intune with our feelings, needs and wants yet? That’s YOUR job to do for YOU!

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