Saturday, August 3, 2019

Why Laughing IS The Best Medicine

I did dinner the other night with a girlfriend. She’s so sarcastic. She’s the best. She starts off her story by saying I went to CVS the other day down street which by the way I am not allowed back in. 

Right there I just start to laugh. My stomach hurt from laughing so much from her story. Straight face and all. She is the best. 

I love to laugh. I mean who doesn’t? I also love certain people in my life because they do make me laugh so much. I love being in their company and their messages. I love their stories and humor. I love making people laugh. It’s like the kid in us comes out. 

Now what if I told you laughing relieves...Pain! Yep. Read this:

Why Laughter May Be the Best Pain Medicine

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