Saturday, August 10, 2019

Stop Chasing Butterflies...I mean Love

I took them outside. We swam. After a couple of hours they went to play on the playground. My niece kept saying to the sky please come down. Please let me know hold you. 

There was a beautiful butterfly. I love butterflies. They remind me of my battle with thyroid cancer. The thyroid is in a shape of a butterfly. But this time my heart hurt. All of a sudden. She was running all over the yard chasing this beautiful butterfly. She was begging for it to come down to her. She kept asking “why won’t you just let me catch you” It was like chasing love. 

They say if you chase something you will push it away but if you let it be. Sit still. It will come to you. Like a butterfly. Like love. Not forced. Naturally drawn to you. 

Life has to be played this way. To be patient and calm. To not rush results. To not assume being aggressive always works in your favor. To understand that the happiest people are at peace within. That whatever is meant to be part of their life will come to them. 


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