Saturday, August 10, 2019

Welcome Back...J

(Old fashioned at 348 Oyster Bar with my Mom)

This morning my mom said Hey J, welcome back. 

I didn’t understand what she was talking about. 

What do you mean mom?
You haven’t been yourself for a little while and now I notice you are back to you and I wanted to let you know. I like that. 
When did you notice a change back I asked her. 
A week or two ago she said. 

I don’t know what triggered a change but I do feel more at ease. More at peace. A lot of factors play in me bringing myself back to my core. My roots.  
My true self. 

I think it’s important we connect within with our true self. I think we get caught up in stress and noise. I have decluttered my life and surroundings. Some
home projects have been completed. My vacation helped me relax. I have connected with my true self and anything that doesn’t apply to it I dismiss. I have handled some matters professionally that have been a pain. 

Life is never going to be perfect. It’s a rollercoaster ride. But when you lose your true self along the way it becomes a problem. My core is peace and calmness. Routine. Structure. When it isnt aligned or in chaos I don’t function how I should. 

Be sure to always be in balance with who YOU are. To what YOU need in your life to bring yourself peace and calmness. 

Cheers to your happiness and finding YOU!

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