Monday, September 30, 2019

Being A Good Mom...Doesn’t Always Mean Being THAT Mom

I have been blogging for over 10 years. I started out just about my journey of motherhood. But now I am
not just Mom. I am a foodie. I am Jay. I am a divorced mom to three girls. I am an entrepreneur. I am a girl who dates. I am a girl who has dealt with heartache and crazy life changes in such a short period of time. I am so much stronger, independent and wiser than I have ever been in my life. Self love is a major goal. Self acceptance too. I am so many things...that years ago if you told me who I would be today I wouldn’t believe you. 

So I sometimes read my old posts. I like to see who I was verse who I am today. I came across this post. I swear I still am her yet so different. Things that used to have to be a certain way no longer have to be. I let go of some things and some things still remain the same. Of course my kids always come first and I still have wipes in my car and snacks well of course I carry so many snacks so much that even my mom jokes my “4th” daughter knows to come to me when she’s hungry because I always have enough for everyone. 

So maybe I am sort of still that Mom but now I am so much more and I kind of really like her and hope the world does too!

February 2017 I wrote 

Yes I Am That Mom...Well Maybe Just A Little Bit...

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