Monday, September 30, 2019

Blue Jay Orchards In Bethel

This is one of my favorite orchards for apples. You pre pay for a bag and go picking. There are a ton of different apples. You have to be careful because the bitter ones are the better ones for baking and the sweater ones are better for eating. My girls love apples and I love packing them for lunch so I kept going back for more fugi. 

I love this orchard because across the street is where you can go on a tractor ride and their store is filled with awesome goodies. Best Apple cider donuts ever. 

The tractor ride has these cute signs of how an Apple tree grows and no matter how many times I go on these things one fact always sticks with me. 

This time it was this: it’s takes an Apple tree six years to grow before it producers apples. 6 YEARS. 

Can you imagine? I would be like after three years thinking yeah this tree was a dud. But nope. You have to wait six years before it’s gives you apples. This is where patience needs to set in. 

I was that mom reading out loud about all the fun interesting facts. After we started to joke around with the kids and quiz them. 

It was a perfect Sunday morning. Next up to will be pumpkin picking. 

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