Friday, June 21, 2019

How Do You Take Your Old Fashioned?

I had to get it. We were having dinner at the Hershey Hotel in Pennsylvania and I see these on the waitress’ tray. I watch her bring it to a table and then it cracks. She had her back to me so at first I thought she was lighting it on fire but then she told me she cracks it will a mallet. 

I’ll take one I said. It was delicious. I shared it with my mother. Perfect after dinner drink and so so clever and fun! Old fashioned is my favorite. I only order one whenever I do get it. It’s a great drink to sip on throughout dinner or just hanging out.  I have gotten pretty spoiled with how clever some places make them so whenever I see it presented in a new way I have to order it. 

Epic Crunch Goldfish

The kids were so excited to try these. They picked them out at the grocery store. They opened all the bags and taste tested. They are not like the regular goldfish. They are bigger and have more crunch. The flavors varied too. With ranch being their top pick. 

They love not so much. 

Which flavors have you tried?

Want To Really Heal?

The healing process takes time. You have to dig within and pull everything you buried out. You have to feel. Cry. Be mad. Whatever. Just be sure to deal so you can heal from it. We all have buried emotions and pain. We do things to cover it up. Some people turn to substances to deal, some become obsessed with something to cover up the pain of something else. Most dangerous thing you can do is be numb and feel nothing at all.  Peel back the layers to allow yourself emotional freedom. 

Your Life Is Your Story...

To my readers for following my journey. I hope my stories help you in your journey. ❤️