What Are You Holding On To?

They say whatever you do in life you give up something to gain something else. Is it a desire? A lust? A need?

Only you can answer it. Only you have the power to say I am going to let go to pursue happiness. I spoke to a friend I care a lot about. Torn in their current situation. Of course I am not the one to give them the best advice. My emotions get in the way of logic. But one logical comment I said was you have been hurt a lot and you lost trust. It’s normal to resist. Trust is hard to regain. 

I walked away from a situation that didn’t emotionally make me feel good. Trust was gone. Hurt was present. I didn’t stay. I didn’t stay because I knew I could never allow that person back in. Trust was gone. 

You have to think about the same thing. What are you holding on to? Is it fixable? Do you want to even fix it. What are you giving up instead? What’s your heart really telling you it wants?

Everyone is different. We all settle in life. We all give up something to gain something else.

Some may ask What are you losing by staying. What are you losing by leaving. Whatever it is you have to focus 100%. Too many people get hurt if you don’t. 

What about saying I want to be happy. I am sorry whoever doesn’t understand it. In time they will. How about stop making excuses and for once say I will do what I want and to do. 

Self love and self respect is only something you can make a priority. Don’t be sad. You can change your life at any moment. You can give yourself the life you truly deserve. I did. 

Why I Write & Why You Read It...I Make You Think

I write for you to view life a little differently. It also helps me too. Writing is a therapy to me. Helps me share my views. I love doing it. I don’t know who vists my blog but I am grateful for you! 

I hope what I write adds some peace to your life. Hits some personal moments in your life when you say “yeah that’s so me” or “yes that makes complete sense”

I write trying  to help you. While it’s helping bring peace to me. 

Self Love...

Love yourself even if you’re not exactly where you want to be in life. 

Let’s Take A Ride...

I love doing this. Just take a ride to pass time. I did it the other day. Drove my daughter through Rowayton. It was beautiful. The houses felt like beach homes. All different sizes. Lawns green and manicured. I had friends who lived in Rowayton growing up. I hung out there at times. I guess I just never took the time to appreciate the beauty of it. 

They even have this sign hanging up as you enter it. 

There’s the slow down children playing signs everywhere. You can see kids walking and riding their bikes to camp. 

It’s really a whole different dynamic. Not sure if any of my readers are from there but if you are I hope you embrace the beauty in it. 

As I get older I am starting to appreciate the little things. Things that I never gave much thought to throughout the years. 

Switching Things Up: Eliminating Flour & Sugar

It was the strangest thing. I couldn’t get out of bed. My bones hurt. The pain wasn’t unbearable just strange. I needed Tylenol. I tried stretching. I stopped running outside.  I saw a couple of doctors and nothing was out of the norm. My thyroid doctor changed my dosage and it helped a little bit not as much as I hoped. 

I started to notice I was getting swollen. Really bloated. My hands and feet. My abdomen. I even had a minor procedure to test an abnormal finding and it came back negative. I couldn’t figure it out. Stress? Depressed? I tried to change my routine. Meditate. Not think about things that once brought me down. Not be sad and try to see the positive in everyday.  Nothing helped.  

Then one day I started to keep track of what I ate and when I started to feel off. I knew it was something I was doing but didn’t subconsciously know. 

I then stopped eating sugar and white flour, processed flour and food and cut down my salt.  I  gave it a week. After the first 48 hrs I felt amazing. No pain. No soreness. Like what I was feeling before totally went way. 

I actually had an enormous amount of energy. My skin looked better. I wasn’t swelling up. Elimating processed foods was making my body feel normal again. I was reacting to sugar and white flour this whole time. 

The funny thing is this. Before they found out I had thyroid cancer they thought I was insulin resistant. With that I did the insulin resistant diet . It was about balancing protein and carbs. I felt amazing. To this day I say to my girls drink a glass of milk with your cookie because the protein will balance the sugar. 

Then before my treatment for Thyroid Cancer you have to do a RAI diet. Low iodine or no processed foods. It was pretty strict. You eliminate iodine so when you do RAI treatment your body absorbs it and kills any Thyroid cancer you have left it you body. 

I felt amazing on this diet. My skin. My body. I couldn’t believe how amazing I felt. It was work preparing for sure but I had no choice.  It was like I was eating how we are suppose to eat. Natural foods. Low fat and limited salt. Pure organic. My mom would make me bread with special recipes from here I remember I cut my finger by night it healed. Like magic. It was so crazy to me. My skin looked amazing. I looked so young from not having processed foods and everything in pure form. 

So I am not a doctor. You need to consult with your doctor before switching your diet. I will say I did loose weight already from this. I feel healthier and happier. My body does not hurt at all. I have plenty of food options and even eat now every couple of hours. I am excited to see how my body with transform in the long term doing this so stay tuned for updates. 

Why did eleminating sugar and flour help me already so much:

Here’s why: 

Music Is A Part Of You...

Holding on to pain is hard. I was walking the other day and it hit me. I got so sad. Music triggers it. I swear every time I feel that way my girlfriend texts me. “Are you ok?” I now laugh about it. She so knows. She’s very intuitive. I can’t explain it. She’s spot on every time. So I had to shift gears. I had to say not be sad it’s ok. I had to tell her I was ok. 

Pain sticks with us. It really does. It’s our job to heal from it. Feel and release it. Music is a great way to do it.