Sunday, July 21, 2019

Beauty Isn’t Just On The Surface

Your core, your personality and soul must be beautiful too. 

You’re Simply The Best...That’s The Goal

The goal is to find someone who brings out the best in us. Who encourages us to be our best. To be happy. To be real, our true self and loves us for that. There’s truth in our life that who you surround yourself with is who you become. It goes for our relationships too. Love this article. 

Jones Family Farm in Shelton

We go every year. It’s my favorite. I love going to farms and picking fruits or pumpkin patches. I love tractor rides and hay rides. I know sounds silly but it teaches you a lot.

First these farms are amazing. So clean and manicured. It’s showing us, the kids how a product goes from the field to the store. It’s hard work. You have to appreciate it. You’re under a net picking fruit. We actually pay to do this while farmers do this all the time for a living. It’s kindof funny how that works out. 

Second it doesn’t get anymore organic than this. Picking blueberries are my favorite because they taste amazing. They are super sweet and so good for you. You can eat them fresh or frozen and they are just as good. Also blueberries last a bit longer than fresh strawberries. 

It’s a great outing and you get to enjoy the “fruits of your labor”...see what I did there. 

I want to go back and try their vineyard. I heard they have strawberry wine. 

Be sure to call ahead to see what time picking takes place and what field.

St. Ann’s Italian Festival July 25-28th 2019

Great festival. Love the pizza fritta. A lot of fun for the kids. Check it out on July 25th-28th. 

Focus On Being Happy

Be happy. Be around people who are happy. No explanations. Do things that make your heart and soul happy. 

This Morning Zen...Well Sort Of

I did my normal morning routine. Up too early. Worked out outside. Got my 3,000 steps in and then....

I said they could join... By 7:05 am we were all in the pool. 

I told them no toys. We will exercise listen to the birds and music. 

No jumping or diving. No screaming. Not only for our own peacefulness but to be courteous to our neighbors since we are up way too early for a Sunday. They loved it. They asked if we can do it every day. 

Then toys got added and well it started to take a turn so we got out to make breakfast and as I thought why can’t we just be 100% peaceful I reminded myself that they are children. They are restless and their minds  are all over the place and it’s normal. So I said we would try this again another morning and they all were very happy. 

We don’t have many weeks left of summer so this routine is awesome for me because it’s new and temporary. When Fall approaches I will have to get a new routine. Until then I love waking up and getting outside. 

What routines have you started this Summer?

Moms Support One Another...Always

We’re all trying the best we can. Be sure to encourage one another. 💗

Love Doesn’t Have To Change

But it can’t be good forever? Who says! Love is magical and doesn’t have to change. It changes when people change. There’s a difference. 

We all need something to believe in ❤️

What Makes Your Soul Happy?

Do it today! Whatever it is. Whatever makes your inner child dance and smile. 

I did already this weekend. I saw someone who makes my heart happy and well sometimes that’s all it takes. I woke up early and worked out. I swam. I celebrated two amazing people anniversary. I spent time with my kids and family. This weekend has been great so far. 
My soul is at peace. 

Now it’s your turn. Make your soul happy! What will it take? Who does it take?