Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Nando Fragolino ...Strawberry Champagne

A girlfriend brought bottles of these to Cape Cod and lucky me she gave me whatever was left unopened. 

It’s sweet like Prosecco and bubbly. Perfectly served chilled with strawberries. Perfect summer chill beverage. 

“A delicious sparkling wine, with the fruity refreshing taste of berry flavors.”*

Connecting With Them Over & Over Again

It’s not easy having a pre-teen. It’s hard to connect and relate at times. She’s my oldest but every time I look at her I see the 4 yr old that once was my best buddy. So she got her phone taken away and she said well what do I do with myself. 

She kind of had a point. We swam a couple of times and she didn’t want to read. We already ate and cleaned up. We did crafts earlier. So I suggest. Dance off. 

What? Yep let’s do a dance off. 

She got to pick the song and moves and well for over an hour we made up dance routines to her favorite songs. It actually was a lot of fun, even my little ones joined in and said wow mom you can dance. Yep. But really it’s not easy with electronics and mood swings and everyone having their own responsibilities in life to tend to. 

It’s about always trying to find a way to connect to them. Kids change. We change. We as parents have to get out of our comfort zones and connect with them. Over and over again. 

You Need To Feel

I learned it’s ok to not always be strong. It’s ok to say it hurts my heart and soul. It’s ok to feel. You need to feel too!

Circle of Life

It’s the circle of life right? When it comes to a lot of things. Someone lost something while someone else gained it. One person loves while the other one hurts. It’s not karma. That’s different. This is something deeper. 

Let me explain. 

My family is in the car industry. Accidents mean business. Painful right. It’s not always. Sometimes it’s minor sometimes it’s major. It’s like everything in life. Someone lost a job and now someone is excited to fill that position.  

Some marriages or relationships ends and the other person gains freedom or to have a relationship with someone else. Pain for one. Happiness for another. 

It’s a cycle. A hard one to accept. Trust me. 

One person misses someone while the other person is out enjoying life and having fun. No it’s not fair but it is how it is. 

It’s in every decision we make at any given time. There are moments I think how will I get through some situations and it’s distractions. You have to distract yourself and then deal and heal but don’t react. 

You can’t react every time you miss someone or are hurt and afraid. You can discuss it but you can’t make impulsive decisions because then you have to deal with regret. No one wants regrets but people do need to realize that what you do to people has an impact on them. You can’t love someone and be ok hurting them. You can’t miss someone yet never try to be in their life. You can’t be sad and go around acting like you’re ok. 

How you handle it is up to you!

Turn It Around...Wait What?

I write about starting day right. Well the other morning I wake up with all good intentions. Then it happens...

I lost my nose ring. Not a big deal but annoying. I do have backups but still. 

I go outside to workout and painters came early so I had to let them in and go get more supplies. 

My girls came home early morning  and my oldest trips on way to my car and skins her knee. Back inside we go and late to camp.

My middle one needed a shirt for camp. I grabbed wrong one luckily her sisters tell me so I run back inside tear apart the drawers and my mom says oh that shirt and hands it to me. 

I try to be pleasant through this all. I really do, not easy but I do and maybe have said under my breathe WTF a couple of times. 

Then my Mom says well the worst has happened so now your day will be awesome. I said wait what? She replies yeah when you let day starts off wrong it usually ends right. I smiled and said ok now I feel better. 

I swear rest of my day was awesome!

Never doubt what can happen when you change your mindset. Bad moments don’t have to be bad days. Bad situations don’t have the last. It’s ok to turn it around mid day. Mid hour. 

Women Learn From One Another

You have to be role models. To help eachother know what they are capable of. Look out for one another and look up to one another.