Thursday, August 15, 2019

Feel Good Song: The Scientist

I was putting my oldest to bed. I felt my eyes get heavy. She woke me up. Mom don’t fall asleep you said you had to work. I do. I did. I am swamped and grateful but not enough hours in the day with kids not in camp and trying to grow a business while being a mom. You all know the drill. 

So she turns to me and says I know it isn’t easy. Being a single mom and working from home. But don’t fall asleep. You said you had a lot of work to do. I rolled over and kissed her and said thank you. I am happy baby don’t worry. Sleep well and I walked out the door. 

It’s not easy. No one’s life is. No matter how good it all looks BUT you have to embrace it. Enjoy the journey. Enjoy what you have been given. I wouldn’t change it. I am happy. I am tired. Have my moments. But I am grateful. No one said it was easy. It never is no matter what path you’re on. As long as you enjoy it. That’s what matters. 

Don’t React...Don’t React...

And so it happened yet again. Which I swore I wouldn’t do it. I knew I would react with how the conversation was going and well I did. I know sounds crazy but I have this one friend. Maybe I feel something that can’t be. Maybe it’s his way with words. Who knows but it always has me react and then he makes me laugh and I am ok again. Like within minutes. 

We chat all day. Everyday is good and it’s fun. And then bam I say let’s take some space. Maybe it’s me protecting my heart. Silly I know. Because deep down you have to just live day by day and not having this person in my life would actually make me really sad and miss them so I have to just go with it and stop reacting. The thing is once you have been hurt and hurt again you loose trust in situations. You protect yourself but realize you’re really harming yourself instead. 

You say I am going to walk away to protect myself and instead end up being embarrassed by your action and know you don’t want this person to not be in your life. 

Don’t respond. Just relax. Trust me. If you get hurt so be it. If you don’t then enjoy the company. 

Feel Good Song: Purple Rain

Taking it back to the 80’s 💜

Every Story is Different

Your story and mine are completely different. We may have similarities, set backs, heartaches, success stories etc but no two people have the same journey. 

We should never judge. Throw it in their face or criticize. You never walked my journey and I have never walked yours. 

What I can say is we can support one another. Love one another and spread peace and calmness. We can be there to help make eachother’s journey more magical and safe and adventurous. Create memories. Love with our heart and soul. Be there to help make the chapters as good as they can possibly be. That’s all we can do. 

Universe Message: Love Like Crazy

This made me chuckle. Be that hopeless romantic for someone today ❤️

The Three F’s...What Category Do They Fall In?

I have a friend who is recently divorced. Really sweet awesome girl. We hang out a lot and her dating game has been a roller coaster ride, like most of us. Maybe it’s me she said. Um no.

I had to call her and break it down. Listen we all have baggage and issues to deal with and resolve within ourselves BUT you’re not the problem. Who you are picking to date is the problem. 

None of the guys are future material and that’s ok. So let’s break it down I said. Let’s put them in categories. Friends. Fun. Future. 

Now think of all the guys you dated or want to date. What category do they fall in? What category did they put YOU in?

Now all these categories matter. They really do but we kind of confuse where people belong and well that's where we get hurt and mad and upset. That’s where we settle and burn. That’s where we hurt ourselves. We want everyone to fall in the future category but it doesn’t always work out that way. We also don’t match what category they put us in. Know your audience. I too have a lot to learn. 

Try it... 

It even applies to friendships really. Who is fun, night in, coffee days, vacation buddies. Not all friends can be in all categories. 

Everyone you meet in life teaches you something. Even if it a quick lesson. The goal is to know yourself enough to know what you need and how to not just settle. It’s also to say I am happy alone instead of settling in life or looking for someone to complete us. You are complete. That’s not the issue. The issue is finding that person who puts us in the same category as we put them in. Someone to grow with and have a future with. 

No time is ever wasted. Everyone role helped us at a point in our life when we needed them too. Yes heartache comes attached to it but let it go. Let go of the idea of something that isn’t there. I put dating on hold to just focus on the present. Because that’s what I need right now. You need to do what you need right now too.