Monday, August 19, 2019

Monday What? OH My Happy Monday’s

I had to rethink my past year. I kind of lost myself along the way. I settled when I shouldn’t have. I didn’t feel I got what I gave. I just had to take a step back...I want to be alone. And not in a bad way. A good way. The way when I do what I need to do for me. My kids. My life. To not compromise anymore. To not wonder what ifs or will someone call or have my back or be there tomorrow. 

I always tell people when I first separated from my ex I took 7 months to myself. To do what I wanted and needed. I need to do that again. So tonight I did something I used to do every Monday. I didn’t go out. I instead picked up Chick-fil-A and ate at home. Hung out in my bed. Watched TV. Worked. This time I added a cone to the meal and felt like a child eating it on the way home. 

Enough of anyone’s drama. Enough with trying to make other people happy and trying to have them feel what you feel. To see life how you see it. 

Do it for you! I loved my alone time. It’s not lonely trust me it’s empowering. Relaxing. Zen. Good for my soul. It helps me be creative and happy. It helps me take care of me. Now all I need is a handy man to help me hang up some stuff and I will be one happy chick. 

I am taking myself back. Back to a less complicated time. When I knew what I wanted and needed and didn’t look towards anyone to give it to me. When I knew I can be happy whenever I chose to be. 

Do it for you too!

Hash House A Go Go

We walked by and everything smelled amazing so we stopped in. I have heard of it before but never tried it. We grabbed lunch here and let me tell you everything was crazy LARGE and so cool. The food was delicious. Comfort food. Great pricing. Like a big warm hug. I can’t believe it was our first time going it.

Chicken and waffles portion was the appetizer size and huge.  The waffles were delicious. The burger- yeah that’s a burger. So tasty and delicious. Yet not greasy. We took the kids away for the night and it was a lot of fun. If you ever go to Mohegan Sun be sure to stop here. I can’t wait to go back. 

Who Makes You Feel Alive?

This is important. Now I am not saying change your life. I am saying look how much your life has changed. Past 6 months. Past Year. Years. Who helped you change? Who helped you come alive? Who brought you back again?

I have people in my life who makes me feel alive. Who make me want to do be happy and bring out the best in me. Who is bringing out the best in YOU? 

Those are your people. Those people are the ones you cherish. 

Fix Your Heart & Mind

We can be our worst enemy. Over thinking. Not doing what we want to do. Being held back. Someone not communicating. You have to understand holding on to pain and anger is very toxic. 

It’s How You Respond

You don’t have control over other people. Just yourself. You have to treat people how you want to be treated. You can’t one minute care for someone and next act like they don’t exist. Bottom line you can’t react. You gotta just let people do and be and act the way they want to. Not responding  and keeping your distance is best. 

But if you’re in you’re all in. If you’re out you’re all out. People don't think like that and it’s not fair to anyone. 

If You Want To Grow You Have To Let Go

This came at the perfect timing. Sometimes change is forced.  Sometimes people push you out. But realize if you want to grow in life you have to adapt to change. 

I must say I never had a change I didn’t benefit or grow form. Change helps us go to a better place in life. A better step in the right direction. At first it may be hard or hurt or feel bad or feel off course but then you adapt and look back and say I never want to be in that position again. 

Stop focusing on what’s safe or comfortable. Focus on change. It’s the only way to grow. 

Us Women Have Needs

💗 (maybe not Botox...yet)

Did You Know...Hug Someone Today

That big teddy bear don’t want to let go type of hug. 💛

You’re Perfect As You Are...

Stop reading old chapters over and over again. They won’t change. They were part of your journey now move forward. Embrace the new day. 

Somethings You Won’t Figure Out

You can’t fix anyone who doesn’t want to be fixed. You can’t trust someone who questions everything about you when they aren’t true to themselves. You have to let some people and situations in your life go because some things will never change. When someone dismisses you from their life you don’t need anymore questions answered. You aren’t being valued as you should. 

You don’t always get your closure or happily ever after with someone you thought you would. You don’t always get respected by the same person you respect. You have to understand it hurts but it also
doesn’t define you. 

Monday Vibes...You Are Enough

Never doubt yourself. Never ever ever let anyone make you doubt yourself. You are enough. You are amazing and beautiful and capable. You are the ray of sunshine someone needs. You’re a breathe of
fresh air. You are loved. You are appreciated. You are valued and respected. Don’t change who you are just because someone can’t give you what you need. They are just not your people then. Don’t lose your focus based on what someone else can’t see in you. 💙