Thursday, September 12, 2019

It’s Never Really Over You Just Move On!

Love doesn’t go away. It can’t just disappear. It changes a little. It has to in time. Everything slowly becomes easier to deal with.  You become less in pain. Less sadness. Less tears. But you still love someone. They are in your heart and it can suck but you just move on. You have no choice. Alone and sad or move forward. 

I have seen it in people. I always wonder who broke them. Who does their heart really yearn for. You can tell. They can’t really give their all to their current partner because a piece of their heart belongs to someone else. Makes you sad for them but they have to move on. 

What’s For Dinner...Shrimp Stir Fry From Trader Joe’s

I don’t remember the price of this. I would say between $6.99-$8.99 but was so worth it. 

The veggies come frozen and the bag of frozen shrimp are separate in a bag within this. I cooked veggies and shrimp separate incase my girls didn’t want the veggies. It comes with some seasoning but I sauté it in olive oil and added salt. Was delicious. I will definitely purchase this again. 

Just Listen...

I had dinner with a girlfriend last weekend who was at a picnic a couple weeks before at a mutual acquaintance house. My name got brought up and my divorce. The girls asked her what happened and my friend came to my defense. None of your business ladies. I appreciated it but learned everyone will tell their side and it’s ok. At this point I don’t even care what people think. I know my kids are happy. I am happy and my ex is happy. 

That’s all that people need to know. But it’s normal
to wonder. It’s normal to pry. It doesn’t make it right even though it’s common. I have kids. I don’t need my business to be spread around as to why I ended things with their dad. I still have to deal with my ex and it’s best to keep it between us. He has a job and career and certain things are just not really anyone’s business. 

Through my divorce journey I had so much amazing support I was never alone.  I mean how lucky can someone be. I had so much family and friends who said I don’t care what happened. I am here for you. Your kids. Whatever you ever need. 

I swear I was so lucky and it helped so much. You, we, everyone needs to learn to do the same. Don’t ask questions. Listen. Just say I am here to help. What do you need? What can I do to make the process easier for you?

That’s all we need. That’s all you should do. 

It’s a Full Moon Coming...What’s With These Guys?

“I care about you and want to make sure you make wise decisions about who you let in your life. I want to make sure nothing ever happens to you” It was the second person to say this to me this week. What’s with these men I asked myself. Oh full moon. Yep that makes sense. 

I appreciate the love guys but no need to worry this girl has it all figured out...well most of the time!

Let Petit at Taproot Oct 27th

What an awesome event. My good friend’s hubby is the chef. Learn more here

What Can Go Right? Everything!

Forget the rest. Embrace the good. The fun. The happiness. The excitement. The enjoyment. That’s what you focus on!

The Law Of Attraction

What you think. What you stress. What you put out is what you get. 

I was talking to a friend. I said everything you have now in your life verse 6 months ago is due to what you put out to the universe. What you let go of, to have today, is what you asked for. 

Embrace it or change your thoughts so you can change your results.