Saturday, September 14, 2019

One Day It All Makes Sense

It all manifests to great things. To the people you meet along the way. To the memories you make and
create. My life changed fast this year. I am not the same I was 5-6 months ago. The friendships I made. The memories I created. It’s amazing what happens to your life when you don’t get what you thought you wanted or needed. You actually get a lot more. You get clarity. You get calmness. You get acceptance. You get happiness is forms you didn’t realize you would get it in. You slowly accept that what you thought you needed wasn’t what you needed, that what you have now is exactly what you need.  

Don’t deny the journey. Don’t deny the experience. Heartache may come with it but the gain is worth the loss and pain. The person or people you wanted in your life actually did you a service by not staying.  It taught you they weren’t your person or people. If they really were they would have never left. Instead the people who are your people bring you so much more than what you ever doubted. Be grateful for those people. Thank those who hurt you because if they didn’t you wouldn’t be where you are at today. 

Growth Starts At Your Core

Peel back the layers. I wrote about this before: here 

Digging deep isn’t pretty. I woke up this morning and said stop giving everyone this big ego trip. Focus on giving yourself one. Focus on those who make you feel beautiful and important too. And that hit me hard. I had to really process my relationships and friendships these last six months. I was so grateful for everyone who has been amazing to me. 

Last night at dinner my girlfriend said you’re so easy going and fun and not judgemental and it hit me 
She’s right. To each it’s own. But I also felt I had to start appreciating those who do make me feel special and those who don’t should not get so much of my focus. 

We all have work to do on ourselves. First is opening up the truths and letting the fantasy go. Second is taking actions to make changes. Third is accepting what is and learning from it. Fourth don’t force things. Destiny works it’s own magic. Fifth if someone doesn’t see your full potential don’t convince them. They aren’t your people and move on. Sixth everyone has something to teach you. Learn from them but don’t hold on too long for people who needs to be released. Seventh love is good and bad and hard and easy and magical and work. There’s a balance but it’s waking up and going to bed everyday grateful for that person. If you don’t feel that then they aren’t your person. Eighth  you are amazing and unique and special don’t ever think other wise. Don’t ever feel second best. You should be number one in the right person’s eye. If you’re not they aren’t your person. Ninth make your heart and soul happy. Appreciate little things in life. Tenth don’t ever change for someone unless you want to make that change. Final love is so special and rare. Have no regrets. I am grateful for everyone I once loved. I will always love them even long after our relationships has ended because at one time or another I needed them and they needed me. 

Work On The Internal Too

We always focus on our looks. Our external. Working out. Slowing down the aging process. No one mentions how important it is to work on your mental health and happiness. Pure internal peace and calmness. Pure happiness and joy. 

Is your heart full of love? Is your mind at peace?

The Big E Sept 13-29

This is a lot of fun. The ride is easy. There’s so much to see. The amount of food is endless. Really a great place if you haven’t been. 

Learn more here:

What Type of Love You Really Need

And you need to decide what is enough for you

Barcelona Tapas, Great Vibes,Great Time

Every time we come we have our must gets: Shishito Peppers, Patata Bravas, Scallops and this time we got their NY Strip steak. These tapas are so fun and perfect for two. 

I love this place. I love the vibes. We sat at the Bar instead of outside. It’s so pretty. The kitchen is open so you can see them preparing the meals. 

We ordered their olive oil cake with olive oil ice cream which is funny because we normally get the crepes and they bring out the crepes and say this is on the house so we got to enjoy both. Was meant to be. 

Don’t Chase...You...Stop That Now

So you go through this pattern of thinking a different outcome will happen. I will be honest it won’t. 

You have to let go of the idea that you can eventually get what you want from someone. Instead put your energy into finding someone new who won’t second guess you. Who does want to be with you. Who does choose you.  I learned this the hard way and at times still torture my own heart but then you meet someone and he makes you remember who you are and what you deserve and well all that time you wasted on someone who didn’t want you will make you be angry at yourself. Don’t be angry. It’s a lesson. And for the guy who wants to be friends after you had a relationship he too is holding on to something. Not sure what but he let you go so let him. Let him let you go so you can move on with your life and enjoy those who want to be in it. 

No anger. Not madness just reality. That if a man doesn’t want you do what he wants and let him walk way. 

But You’re Not Like Everyone Else

Love this... ladies be a mermaid 💗

Your Life...It’s Changing

When your heart hurts you seem to ignore all that’s happening around you. You focus on healing yet don’t realize that this whole time people were coming into your life to fill you with love to help heal your pain.  

Think about it. It’s true. When you hurt who came in.  Who did you meet. Who loved you. Who helped heal you. 

It’s really hidden blessings. Appreciate those people not the ones who damaged your heart. 

San Gennaro Festival 2019

11 day feast has begun. If you’re thinking of going be sure to go on an empty stomach. 

Festival dates: September 12-22

Location: Mulberry Street, Little Italy

Read more about it here