Never Doubt Your Ability To Make A Difference

I had a meeting tonight. When I walked in the building someone greeted me. Wow I thought, they are using our suggestion. I enter the meeting and we gave updates. I brought back some positive feedback I have received from recent experiences people had. I was beaming. 

Another committee member turned to me and said wow you have such great positive feedback tonight. I replied thank you. I am so excited we are making a difference and changes are being implemented. By the way did you see the greeter. I almost wanted to take a picture with him. 

I can’t emphasize enough how you can make a difference. How you giving your feedback in a professional manner can create amazing results. I was glowing with excitement.  How amazing would this world be if we got together to make a positive change. To make everyone’s experience a little brighter and happier! I think it would be a beautiful thing. 

History...It’s Repeating Itself

It’s been so weird. Things are happening like they did last September. It’s like I am replaying my life all over again. To the point that what I did this weekend was same as last year and where I am going this weekend is coincidentally same place as last year. Same people I met coming back. Same situations. The exact situations are re happening.  History was repeating itself. It freaked me out a little. I had to take a step back. Change my thoughts. Laugh a little about it because it was amusing but also think what lessons do I still need to learn?

We repeat things because we didn’t learn the first time. It’s an interesting journey for sure! Fun, exciting yet so bizarre. I have to focus on what I need to learn for things to change. 

You Have To Feel

Being numb is the worse thing you can do to yourself. I was for years and just went along with it. Went along with life. Then I stopped seeing someone recently and it was so refreshing to feel. To actually cry and be upset because it meant I was no longer numb. Those feelings have since passed but when I see things like this message it’s a reminder. 

A reminder to never be numb. To feel. Even if no one understands it or even if you’re over reacting. Feel. Cry. Be upset. It’s so much more beneficial to you and your soul than feeling nothing at all. Trust me. Feel the emotions. 

You got this!

Dating in Fall Humor

There’s so many fun things to do in Fall. The best is I used to think I can only do these Fall Fun activities with my kids but when I am not with my kids I always have a ton of girl friends who enjoy these type of fun too. Never feel you are alone. You’re never alone. 

Fall is perfect for Pumpkin Fun and Haunted Hayrides. Christmas is perfect for light shows and snow fun. Who says you can’t be a child at heart during these seasons. 

Do whatever makes your heart happy even if it meant being single during them or yet finding someone new who loves these little adventures not for them but for you to make you happy. 

Keep Moving...

You can miss someone or how things were doesn’t mean it’s good for you or you want it back in your life. Everything is a lesson. Every good and bad teachers you a lot. Don’t look at the past. It’s gone. Nothing can go back. Everyday is a new beginning even if you do restart something with someone it has to be new. 

Never give someone an ego over yours. Never let someone control your emotions. Never give someone the power to have you feel self doubt. 

Drama free is the only goal in life. Anyone attached to it doesn’t belong in your life. 

I can walk away from a lot of situation saying I gave them my best and all I could. I will admit a lot of times I never got half of that back. It’s taught me what to tolerate in my life now. It taught me to stop settling. I am much better than that and deserve a ton better too and so do you. 

Time...People Make It

There’s always time. It’s making time for what you want to make time for that’s the difference. The more I asked of someone’s time the more I was denied it and the more upset I got until I finally stopped asking and devoted my time to other people. 

Happy Taco Tuesday!

You are the Tequila 💚

Love Who You Were & Who You Are Now

Our past shaped us to be who we are today. Thank your past self. Your past experiences. Your past pain. All that helped created you. Who you are today. Love your process. 💜

What Isn’t Love

Walk away from situations like these. Always! It’s not putting up with stuff. That’s wrong views to have. It’s being happy and good and grateful. Not fighting and being something you’re not to make someone else happy.