Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Maybe It’s Simple Maybe Not

A friend said I was an open book. I said yeah try me. He went on to say how I just want a simple, good, gentle relationship. 


I went for a walk and told my mom and she said wow he is spot on. Why can’t I have that with my friend because well life isn’t meant to be that way. Life is about experiencing everything first before finding something that simple. Maybe I am not ready for it. Maybe I had it already with someone I lost it even though it was short lived. 

All I know is we should be a priority. Someone should make us a priority and we make them ours too. We want to come first or close to first as possible. Kids always take center stage I agree. But we want someone’s heart to hurt and yearn for ours. 

Every time I hear this song it hits something in me like I am sure it hits you all too. 

Aim to live a simple, happy, gentle, good life. Aim to be with someone who loves you as much as you love them. 

Happy Hour...

A break. From life or whatever or a need to get out and be around people. Whatever it is. Enjoy the breaks. Take the breaks and do whatever is needed to replenish your soul. 

It’s All A Learning Game

So much to learn! Take it one day at a time. 

Key To Happiness

When someone’s energy and motives do no align with yours that’s when you remove them from your life. 

Touch-a-Truck Event Oct 5th

These are my favorite and so fun. Be sure to bring a bag of food to donate. 

Harvest Festival Oct 5th and 6th

I love this vineyard. I went in March for a friend’s birthday. Was so much fun. They are open year round. Was a lot of fun then. Can only imagine how pretty it is in the Fall now. 

Listen To The Signs

We all have an intuition. It’s what we choose to do with it that matters. 

Feel Good Song: So Much To Say

Last night I was speaking with a friend and I said I have so much to say to you. He said so say it. That’s when I started rambling. We are very similar so whenever I see a new food or activity or a similar song or a familiar face I automatically think I have to tell him. 

It’s a bit bizarre. Like I am excited to share news with him. Things I think he would laugh at or enjoy eating as well. We don’t talk often but when we do we sure can talk about anything and everything. Normally it’s me rambling about a new place I have been or a new spot. We really are a great source of information to one another. We don’t see each other much. I do enjoy this person but for now will accept the friendship that we have. 

Do you have these type of people in your life? The ones you get excited to share information with. The type that just get you and you just get them? It’s important to have. 

Life Changes...Over and Over Again

Before you know it the pain changes. Love changes. Your life slowly gets better and easier. 

Taco Tuesday...Don’t Be Alarmed I Am Only Here For The Tacos

I think I should start getting royalties because I promote Taco Tuesday so much. So much that it back fired on me this weekend. 

So true story...

I met someone for coffee. Upon meeting he had an obvious sign of not being truthful. I called him out and he replied I understand but don’t be alarmed if you find me at Taco Tuesday. I am not there for you. I am
there for the tacos but please feel free to come by and say hello if you like. 

Guess I will be going for pizza tonight instead of tacos to avoid this situation. 

The journey of life...single...the humor...the stories...never telling anyone else about my Taco Tuesday Spot!