It’s About Having Healthy, Good Boundaries...Always


What’s not right for you will never make you feel good. Let it go. Focus on the situations that are good for your mind, body and soul. All the rest can go away. All the other situations come to an end because they aren’t for your higher good. It took me a while to realize this but the more people I met and more good people I surrounded myself with I realized I should never ever surround myself with someone who doesn’t make me feel good. Who said and did things that I would never tolerate but somehow I did. 

Set those situations free. Live by your true self. Smile. Glow. Be happy. Have healthy boundaries and good will come. Always. 

Are You A Mom? Girls Night!

Have you ever been asked this? In a club or bar. It happens every time I go out with this one friend. The funny thing is she’s a teacher not a Mom. But it’s hysterical that we get asked. Last time it was college kids when we were out with mutual friends we dated. This time it was another group of moms who wanted to dance with us. I must admit it gave us a good laugh.

Our whole day wasn’t planned. Want to grab breakfast sure. Then at breakfast we decided on dinner. Then at dinner we decided on what town to spend our night in. Nothing planned just go with it. Before you know it we are partying in White Plains with other “moms”. 

It was awesome. Spontaneous fun. We met people. We laughed so much our makeup ran down the side of our face. We felt rejuvenated. Like we were 21 again. 

We had so much fun we went out to breakfast again before heading home. 

Life is not meant to be planned always. Yes save money. Don’t have debt. But spontaneous, hey you around let’s go do this, type of fun has been my life lately and I think it’s actually keeping me young!

Today’s this morning “are you around” texts was awesome and I love it. Life is suppose to be adventurous. The little moments make it worth while. We caught up and laughed some more. 

I share my stories to help you understand something about life. Heartache and pain happens but then god brings people into your life to help you feel reborn again. Those people need you and you need them 
Love them. Have fun. Cherish them. Enjoy the times you have together. We will be smiling all week from
The night together. Trust those who come into your life. They are medicine for your soul. 

How You React To Your Triggers Matters...A lot

When a friend was telling me a story I swear I had flashbacks. It was a situation where her friend was triggered and he acted out of control. She never saw him like it. It was disturbing. 

I have had situations in my life like this. When you have no choice but to remain quiet and calm. Where someone flies off the handle. Blacks out mentally and loses their control. It’s awful. In that moment you have to remain calm. Once the person is done they may blame you for their episode or apology over and over saying they will never repeat that behavior again. 

The behavior does repeat. It may not happen frequent. But when it does it’s awful again. Sometimes it’s once a year or twice or once a month. Regardless the enraged person is out of control. It’s scary to the other people witnessing it. It’s damaging. I won’t lie I have flashbacks of it. It angers me but I luckily removed myself from a situation like this but this person still does it. Just not to me but to family members or anyone who may triggers them. 

We all have triggers. What we need to understand is how we react to them that’s what causes the problems. 

When my friend told me the story I advised her to stay away. There’s nothing holding her on to this person. They aren’t married or have kids or live together. Leave before you witness this again. Because what happens is this. It’s within them. They go to therapy and anger management and adjust their meds but it’s  within them. I know it’s wrong to say it but we all have flaws. We all have “demons” in us. This is their demon.  The lack of control when triggered. It’s almost a control thing. They then become verbally abusive and try to empower you. It’s very degrading. 

Women do this too. Not just men. 

I had a friend who has dealt with this. It’s not often but it has happened three to four times in the year I knew this person. She loses her mind and it’s because she gets triggered. Later she apologies or promises to not act this way but I am sorry to say she will. It’s because it’s part of who they are. 

They can be the best people when not triggered. Family orientated. Hard workers. Devoted. Sweet. Kind. Lovable. Romantic.  But their inner demon causes them to snap when they are triggered. 

If you know someone like this be sure to make sure they get help. Adjust medicine. Do understand this is not a reflection on you but on them. Do know they will snap again. When they snap you need to defuse the situation.  Remain calm. Once they cool down you can address the situation. 

KEE Oyster House White Plains

This place is awesome. It’s beautiful and the menu is so upscale. We sat at the bar for drinks and looked at every dish that came out of the kitchen. The food smelled amazing. The staff was great and so fun. The bartenders were great to speak with and we want to go back for dinner. I love stumbling upon places. It was packed when we got there. Full house. Great ambiance. Great menu. If you’re in white plains be sure to check it out. 

When Two Souls Meet At The Wrong Time

This can happen. What we don’t realize that it’s a lesson. On both parts. It’s to teach you something. You can’t look at it as a complete lose. It’s not. It helps you at that time in your life when you needed it to. Then you let go because your lesson is over. Accept. Release. Carry on ❤️

Swirl Crepes in White Plains

I have been wanting to go here. There’s a similar place in Fairfield. It’s a crepe. You fill it with yogurt or ice cream or food. One guy had it with french fries. We ordered it with Strawberries, Nutella and vanilla ice cream. Amazing.